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<br />tto <br /> <br />CONWORTH. INC <br /> <br />P02 <br /> <br />.~ CONWORTH, <br /> <br />472S Excf!I~'or nlvrl <br />BlIil~ ?OQ <br />Mmncapoh:,. MN !)~)4' Ii <br />(51;?) 929 O(H" <br />fAX (61 :..') ~j;.'~! lJ:)bt~ <br /> <br />.---.,- -.--- <br /> <br />\ ~ <br />~~) <br />Cea-Jr ) l}J <br />bD <br />~ --b?- <br />1\ .~ b ~ ~ ~ ^ fl < tL <br />~~ <br />S5((~ <br /> <br />INC. <br /> <br />sopt(~mh('r III I'PJ} <br /> <br />Rick .Jopke <br />ASfiistant community Dcvelopmpnt <br />D i rc(.~t()r <br />City 01 HOKevi I Ie <br />;'~h(',O C i vie Cl"!I't.....~r OJ' i V~ <br />Jh/:s~vi 11(:, MN ")').11 J-]H'l') <br /> <br />,~;ub j(~('t : <br /> <br />ri)u,'d Movinq Ex~wn~;(' and l{('nt<J) A:.f>)stancc I<<']ocation <br />; <br />,Jf,~J 1 and Barb Wiemann I ;~;~-11 H'Wy ]() Scr'vice HmHI, <br />HQ:l-t;.'v ill to!, MN <br />C j I. Y 1.11 J<()~i~V i I Ie I1wy JII pro j(~ct <br /> <br />()f'!a..- Mr-. .Jopkc: <br /> <br />'I'ransmitt('d Iwrewith arc the Vixen Moving Expen~e and n('nt.~l <br />^GBi~tan~~ cldim~ for the abovc-mcllLiuncd tenancs. We nave met <br />wtcn tnOS(~ tcn~nt~1 and we h~ve reviewed tho documentation <br />Hu~mjtt~d. Our recommendatiuns tor payment arc in ac~ord~nce <br />with our under~t~nding 01 tne applIcable roqulation:.. <br /> <br />Upon your review l.1nn ~pproval 01 tho~o claims, pIC;i~;(' make and <br />mail p~ymcnt d9 fo)lows: <br /> <br />.J~ff and 8Cirb w i ~mann <br /> <br />$1 ~, In c) .00 <br /> <br />Plcus(~ contact me at 97.9-0(~4" when the chct.:k js rC!i1dy, .tnd I will <br />make': t.hl.: fJr OPl!l d r nHI9cmt~nt:; tor dC! I :i very. <br /> <br />The Mi nJ1I~~;ot.. Dcpartmont: 01 'I'n11\~;p()rtnt ion hin; n_'comm<'l1di~d that <br />t.h(~ HcntJd A:>:;i:.5ti:lflCe PilymE-!nt be: mndc jll ill~;l.(1!lmcnt:->. <br /> <br />PrOCCfo;f: i nq <:inti paym<'nt as r.equ(~!.;t:nd !.jhou) n r.omp I (~t(' t.h i ~', <br />t'E!I()(:Rtion lnJn:-;lJct.inn. <br /> <br />lIt I)(~rc ,) J" dllY q\II.'~;t Ion:; 0' <br />plciJ:;(: <:old .11:1. lI:~. <br /> <br />C'(jIl""I'Il:: r."qilrdinq thl~., ,'J'llm, <br /> <br />:;".111 ,', II1'1V.II';'"1 <br />111'111.:..11,1" 1'",,,,111 t ,1111 <br /> <br />J-efFReu Ned r)),'eMcunJ 1/ <br />b \ 9'7'1--:~g--/ 61 7 <br />BAR- ctf2-d fflJlJ W/eMdlJlJ <br />31),.-71--5357 <br /> <br />~; i 1l('pli.1 y, <br /> <br />:. I <br /> <br />I';, " ' I I): .111 1':, <br /> <br />Hl'dt'vc'\r II "111'111 {\1.'\ljI',,111,II/I\,'11I1 ;11""1 / <br /> <br />\ <br />