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<br />~ <br /> <br />ae:rcises the Option to Sen (the "Date of C1osin~. "is hereby deleted in its entirety and <br />replaced with the following: <br /> <br />Subject to the provisions of Section 14, 18 and 19 below, Seller <br />and Buyer must meet on September 1, 1991 or such earlier date <br />as the Parties may mutuaDy agree upon (the ''Date of Casing'') <br /> <br />6. ~~n 1.3 . EvIdence of ntle. Section 13 is deleted in its entirety and <br />rep1aced with the following: <br /> <br />"13 . EvideDec or Title, Buyer has obtained a commitment for <br />title insurance 8J3d smvey of the Property (the l'B'qidence of <br />Title"). On or before the'Date of Closing, Seller must deliver <br />an abstract of title to thostf portions of the Property tbat are not <br />registered property and aa owners duplicate certificate of title <br />fm: all portions of the Property 1hat are regiAtered property to <br />Buyer. Buyer agrees to accept the Abstract of Title without <br />r~ticm. <br /> <br />1. Section 14 . ~snDiD8tinn. of Tit1e.. The initial clause of the first sentence of <br />Section 14, which reads: 'Within fifteen (15) davs foJlawin2 Buver's receipt of the last item <br />of the Evidence of Title:' is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the fonowing: <br /> <br />Within 30 days following Buyers exercise of the Option to <br />Purchase or Sellers exelcise of the Option to Sell, <br /> <br />8. SectiOD 16 - SeJIer's ReJR'!.tatiODS and WammUe.. NOtWithstanding the <br />language in the last paragraph of SectiO:Q 16 which states: <br />I <br /> <br />''Each of the representations and warrantie:i herein t;ontDined <br />shall. survive the closing." .1 <br /> <br />Buyer agrc:.cs that BuycI must assert clabns based upon the representatiDns and <br />warranties set forth in Section 16 on 0 before the date nine (9) months from the date of <br />closing or Buyer ab.a11 be deemed to h e waived such claims. <br /> <br />9. LlLC. 114)31 Exehanp. <br />complete this transaction as a part <br />faciHtate SeBer's exchange1 Buyer win <br />A <br /> <br /> <br />Seller has advised Buyer that Seller desires to <br />a Section 1001 Exchange. Buyer agrees that to <br />cute an agreemcnt in the form attached as Ex1nDit <br /> <br />B11113 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />9/V d 999988C998 'ON/G9: 0 \ '.:.U90: \\ L6 ,8\', (nu) <br />I <br /> <br />KVDtlO~SDDI~a wo~~ <br />