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City Council Meeting Minutes
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9/10/2014 3:24:45 PM
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8/12/2014 9:59:08 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 21, 2014 <br /> Page 11 <br /> eon further noted that, in addition to the national census updated every ten years, <br /> other periodic updates were completed to enhance that census data and provide <br /> better accuracy to models and projections. City Manager Trudgeon also reminded <br /> that population projections in a built out community may indicate a need to build <br /> up or convert existing areas, but clarified that Roseville also had one of the lowest <br /> homes to occupant ratios in the metropolitan area. As dynamics change in the fu- <br /> ture and with the latest generation and 2040 projections, City Manager Trudgeon <br /> opined that natural changes could impact those forecasts, but he found the current <br /> models being used by the Metropolitan Council more accurate than in the past; <br /> and offered to share that methodology information with the City Council as re- <br /> quested. <br /> Mayor Roe agreed with the comments of City Manager Trudgeon, especially <br /> about the low number of people per household in Roseville, opining that it was <br /> potentially possible for the City to absorb the projected growth by just adding one <br /> more person per household to 1/3 of the existing households. While current de- <br /> mographics may not always work out, Mayor Roe emphasized the need as policy- <br /> makers to understand that there was no need to fear population growth as long as <br /> the density was manageable; and that while a bigger problem and ongoing con- <br /> cern, with higher density always a fearful topic, it was important to work through <br /> that process. Mayor Roe suggested an important thing to consider as macro pro- <br /> jections of the metro area and its future growth was modeled, was to determine <br /> how it filtered down to individual communities and the challenges apparent in <br /> those specifics and to understand all the issues involved. <br /> Specific to City Manager Trudgeon's comment, Councilmember Willmus clari- <br /> fied that he was looking at the figures for number of household units versus popu- <br /> lation. <br /> As mentioned by City Manager Trudgeon, Ms. McCarthy recognized that projec- <br /> tions were recently reviewed and different models implemented and adjusted. <br /> However, Ms. McCarthy assured Councilmembers that she had heard their com- <br /> ments and concerns; and would take them with her and under consideration. If <br /> Mr. Trudgeon could not provide the current Metropolitan Council modeling for- <br /> mula, Ms. McCarthy stated that she would be happy to provide it to City Manager <br /> Trudgeon for distribution to the City Council. <br /> In conclusion, Mayor Roe stated that the some neighborhoods in Roseville had <br /> continued to experience negative issues with rental properties in the community <br /> managed by the Met Council and with particular tenants, requiring continuing <br /> communication with managers of that program at the Met Council. Mayor Roe <br /> noted that this created ongoing frustration in attempting resolution with several of <br /> those properties; and asked Ms. McCarthy to serve as a resource for the communi- <br /> ty to facilitate those issues and their resolution, and work with neighborhood rep- <br /> resentatives as their advocate. <br />
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