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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 21,2014 <br /> Page 9 <br /> ten expressed his frustration with the rationale and noted that the minimal amount <br /> of money spent per station for the BRT compared to other transit improvements <br /> and costs being implemented around the metro area, especially when it provided a <br /> direct benefit to Roseville and catalyst for future TCAAP development and en- <br /> hancing traffic flow in the northern suburbs. <br /> In addition to the previous comments of Councilmember Willmus, Councilmem- <br /> ber McGehee opined that Roselawn Avenue also served as a reliever for Highway <br /> 36; and agreed with the comments of Councilmember Etten that this BRT line <br /> was important to the City of Roseville and those riders connecting with the Green <br /> LRT Line. Councilmember McGehee stated that constituents in this area were in- <br /> terested across the board in connectivity within their urban metropolitan environ- <br /> ment, whether pathway connections, BRT, LRT or other options. Councilmember <br /> McGehee noted that consideration should be given to the most ideal way to ad- <br /> dress riders, whether handicapped or not, to provide that connectivity around the <br /> suburbs as well as to both downtown St. Paul and Minneapolis. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated that she would personally like to lobby for a bus <br /> shelter at a minimum at Roselawn and Snelling Avenues and to pursue that with <br /> whatever entity necessary. <br /> While appreciating the forecasting provided by the Metropolitan Council and ref- <br /> erenced in bench handouts, Councilmember McGehee questioned if the density, <br /> growth and population modeling used was any more accurate than that of area <br /> traffic studies. In the thirty years she'd lived in Roseville, Councilmember <br /> McGehee opined that the modeling and its methodology continued to be inaccu- <br /> rate based on a thorough review of historical information; and suggested using a <br /> more accurate modeling system or equation than the current model, questioning if <br /> the modeling was any more accurate in other communities, since it wasn't accu- <br /> rate based on Roseville's history. <br /> Since the City of Roseville was essentially built out, and development only avail- <br /> able on certain sites as infill, and also referencing the bench handouts, Coun- <br /> cilmember Etten asked if that status was taken into consideration when forecast- <br /> ing future projections, such as an estimated 15% increase in Roseville's popula- <br /> tion. Councilmember Etten noted that Roseville currently had a variety of hous- <br /> ing types, some currently being constructed or proposed in the immediate future; <br /> however, he opined that the projections indicated a very considerable increase <br /> given that the community was already 97% to 98%built out. Councilmember Et- <br /> ten opined that he continued to struggle with how those projections were arrived <br /> at; and questioned where all the people would come from or how Roseville could <br /> accommodate that many more people as forecast. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte echoed the comments of Councilmembers McGehee <br /> and Etten related to the projected growth with Roseville being built out. Coun- <br />