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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 11, 2014 <br /> Page 15 <br /> would be open to. Mayor Roe noted that, if the property division was moved far <br /> enough sough, mitigation on the north parcel would become a much smaller issue. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that he was specifically referencing the Burke right-of-way <br /> and not any on County Road B. <br /> Mr. Lloyd responded that this could be accomplished and additional footage al- <br /> lowing conformity; however, based on necessary reliance then on easements for <br /> County Road B and Burke Avenue, he opined that, while not impossible, it was <br /> not being recommended by staff. <br /> Mayor Roe opened the Public Hearing at approximately 7:36 p.m. for the purpose <br /> of hearing public comment on this proposal. <br /> Public Comments <br /> Mike Ryan, 957 County Road B <br /> While not directly affected, but having received notice of the meeting, Mr. Ryan <br /> questioned why more background information about the split had not been pro- <br /> vided, and questioned if this was the normal procedure for neighbors not immedi- <br /> ately adjacent. <br /> Mayor Roe reviewed the process, and advised that the post card was simply an <br /> invitation to the meeting, with background information available online, or from <br /> staff,. Mayor Roe advised that the agenda packet materials were also available in <br /> the back of the Council Chambers for his review, online, or hard copy from staff <br /> and were always made available to the public by request. <br /> With no one else appearing to speak, Mayor Roe closed the Public Hearing at ap- <br /> proximately 7:39 p.m. <br /> Councilmember McGehee commended staff on their report and review of vari- <br /> ance requirements, opining that it was thorough and addressed those issues <br /> brought forward during public comment; and suggested that format be considered <br /> as a guideline in the future. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that staff's review included code requirements during their <br /> analysis in each case, but there were not always the same areas of code being <br /> dealt with. <br /> Councilmember McGehee clarified that previous packet information from staff <br /> had often been skimpy, and she was commending staff on changes she was ob- <br /> serving in their more thorough and careful material developed for Council infor- <br /> mation, which she appreciated. <br /> Councilmember Etten spoke in support of the request, inclusive of Condition C's <br /> first option for installation of a stormwater BMP on Parcel A and based on the re- <br />