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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 11, 2014 <br /> Page 17 <br /> prohibiting parking, and one supporting parking but reducing the total amount of <br /> pavement at a negotiated width. Mr. Culver noted the need for refinement after <br /> snow had melted this spring allowing for further consideration on the actual <br /> alignment. <br /> Mr. Culver displayed and reviewed options along the section from Fulham Street <br /> to Fairways Lane, including existing conditions, the original proposal with park- <br /> ing, and an option without parking for that segment making it consistent with the <br /> remainder of the proposed pathway that is currently being constructed east of Ful- <br /> ham at this time. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Culver advised that the fifth affected property <br /> owner had not responded, and was not present at tonight's meeting. <br /> Discussion among Councilmembers and staff included consistency with existing <br /> segments; mature tree locations adjacent to the construction area; lack of aesthetic <br /> value in additional asphalt and impervious surfaces; specifics of the 2330 County <br /> Road B and impacts to the entire segment and boulevards of other properties as <br /> they related to parking functionality; or expansion of driveways to accommodate <br /> additional vehicle parking versus on street parking. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Nancy Nelson, 2151 Fulham Street <br /> Ms. Nelson thanked individual Councilmembers for their prompt e-mail corre- <br /> spondence with her related to this issue. Ms. Nelson stated that they did not want <br /> a 6' parking lane on their side that would in her opinion, with the addition of a 7' <br /> pathway and 6' parking lane make the area look like a parking lot. Ms. Nelson <br /> opined that with the closure of Highway 280 and Cleveland, there were very few <br /> pedestrians and/or cyclists beyond existing residents compared to twenty years <br /> ago when the Cleveland Avenue access was open. Ms. Nelson opined that the ar- <br /> ea was very quiet with little foot traffic, and only a few people walking on the <br /> shoulder on the north side of the street. Ms. Nelson noted that the was an existing <br /> 6' shoulder on both sides of the street which was sufficient with only one small <br /> segment needing a pathway due to the lack of any shoulder. <br /> As to whether this was needed as part of the overall pathway system, Ms. Nelson <br /> further opined that people were not going to walk or drive there as a destination as <br /> there was nothing beyond the apartment building on that end. In order to save the <br /> City money, Ms. Nelson suggested leaving Fulham and Fairways as is, with park- <br /> ing or walking on the existing shoulder, and the few pedestrians or bikers able to <br /> go around those vehicles, the same as they'd been doing for the last nineteen <br /> years. <br /> Ms. Nelson stated that this was a quiet residential street; and opined that once the <br /> turnback occurred from Ramsey County, traffic speeds could be reduced, making <br />