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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 11, 2014 <br /> Page 19 <br /> Heck opined that it seemed silly to shift the center of the road to address a prob- <br /> lem that didn't even exist. <br /> If there were no parking on the street, Mr. Heck stated that his driveway would <br /> more than accommodate any need for surplus parking, or he could even access <br /> Fulham or Fairways, providing sufficient parking for any overflow situations. As <br /> far as shifting 2' into his property, Mr. Heck admitted that he was being selfish in <br /> not preferring that option; and liked the pathway stopping where it was currently, <br /> since this area had fewer pedestrians than other areas. <br /> Mr. Heck admitted that residents had been attempting to reduce speed on the road <br /> for years, with some outside traffic using the road as a drag strip; but opined that t <br /> stop sign at Fulham would address that issue; and suggested that some of the <br /> speeding may be originating at the apartment building. <br /> Council Discussion <br /> Leaving functionality as is, Mayor Roe questioned the validity of a multi-purpose <br /> shoulder or a dedicated pathway on either side. <br /> Mr. Culver responded that there was an option to not extend pavement at all; but <br /> from staff's perspective, they would still recommend that it be a dedicated path- <br /> way with restricted parking. Mr. Culver recognized public comment indicating <br /> not as many pedestrian or bikers on that part of the roadway today, and while not <br /> doubting that traffic counts were low, he suggested part of that may be due to <br /> their perception of a lack of safety, and with installation of the pathway it may <br /> address a latent demand. Mr. Culver further noted ongoing consideration of and <br /> negotiations for purchase by the City of land on the north side of County Road B <br /> for future development as a park, which may draw some traffic as well. Again <br /> form staff's perspective, Mr. Culver stated that the current pavement could func- <br /> tion as a pathway and parking, but questioned whether it could do both; and in re- <br /> sponse to Mayor Roe, opposed mixing the two. <br /> Regarding the option as recommended by Ms. Casey's compromise suggestion, <br /> shifting lanes to allow both parking and pathway construction without going fur- <br /> ther into properties, Mayor Roe sought staff's perspective. <br /> Mr. Culver displayed a cross section and reviewed how that option would work, <br /> opining that the difficulty came in trying to remove the existing center line <br /> through that section to shift traffic over by grinding out the center line, which <br /> over time created confusion as to where the center line actually was as the restrip- <br /> ing wore and without sealcoating didn't stand up. Mr. Culver advised that it be- <br /> came difficult to do in a limited area without additional pavement treatment to <br /> remove existing striping. With the pathway being narrower than a car, with typi- <br /> cal parallel on-street parking spots 80' wide, Mr. Culver noted that the proposed <br /> 7' width by staff was already reducing that width, which could be a traffic calm- <br />