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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 11,2014 <br /> Page 26 <br /> Mr. Heiser advised that he was in discussion with the Village of St. Anthony and <br /> their School District who had a similar situation. Mr. Heiser advised that they had <br /> an alternate connectivity to TIES and currently derived all their applications out <br /> of the Roseville City Hall. Mr. Heiser noted that Sandcastle Park was close to the <br /> Village, and staffs of both municipalities were currently exploring that segment <br /> and how it could benefit them and the School District, and a potential contribution <br /> or partnership. However, Mr. Heiser noted this was a significant amount of mon- <br /> ey and the extent of their contribution would hinge upon where bids came in, with <br /> part of the Village's bid including lift stations and other facilities as well. Mr. <br /> Heiser advised that it was a wait and see situation at this stage; but other options <br /> and potential partnerships may include the C-TV facilitate, and the more partners <br /> found on fiber segments the better, including possibly the State and/or Ramsey <br /> County. Mr. Heiser reiterated that this discussion was very preliminary at this <br /> point and there were too many moving parts to provide more refined information. <br /> Further discussion included other potential partners, with Mr. Heiser clarifying <br /> that to-date, the City had only sought public or municipal agencies, and no private <br /> entities (e.g. University of Northwestern — St. Paul); and long-term failure of the <br /> Dale Street camera. <br /> Councilmember McGehee stated that she didn't find the costs too shocking, and if <br /> the money could be put together, the plan to extend fiber as part of the City's <br /> overall CIP infrastructure, that seemed to be the right way to go. Councilmember <br /> McGehee opined that consistent and continual operation of the lift stations were <br /> vital to the community, and needed to have the highest quality service and con- <br /> nectivity available. Councilmember McGehee opined that this needed to be done <br /> eventually, and with the excellent IT Department, capacity and expertise, suggest- <br /> ed the fiber optic extension be pursued. Councilmember McGehee suggested in- <br /> vestigating any grants that may be available for completion of this communication <br /> work. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Mr. Heiser addressed the lifespan of <br /> thirty-years for the fiber optic system,but numbers identified over a ten-year span <br /> consistent with direction from the Finance Department consistent with other typi- <br /> cal cost projections over that period of time. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte agreed that there may be grant funds available, and ref- <br /> erenced comments of Ramsey County Commissioner McGuire during her recent <br /> visit expressing interest by the County in fiber discussions to meet their needs as <br /> well. Councilmember Laliberte suggested staff follow-up on that potential inter- <br /> est and partnership. <br /> Councilmember Willmus agreed with Councilmember Laliberte on the need to <br /> identify funding sources and partners. <br />