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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 11,2014 <br /> Page 28 <br /> support of Lexington Park coming on line first to determine how and when build- <br /> ings are used, fees generated for rentals, and which if any services are used, along <br /> with providing on-site security. Councilmember McGehee advised that she could <br /> support Lexington and Rosebrook Parks at this point, opining that it was im- <br /> portant to get at least one building up and functioning; as well as directing staff to <br /> run at full force to get the information needed to move forward. <br /> Recognizing the comments of Councilmember Willmus in terms of Lexington <br /> Park or any of the parks, Mayor Roe questioned if staff knew the limitations of <br /> those facilities and what was adequate for them; and sought staff's perspective. <br /> Mr. Heiser cautioned that in using the Comcast program, City Hall staff would be <br /> losing any management visibility of what city guest users were doing on the in- <br /> ternet with that wireless connection, with that traffic not within the tunnel's filter- <br /> ing system and able to block anything. Mr. Heiser referenced current use of that <br /> VPN over Internet system used at Harriet Alexander Nature Center (HANC) and <br /> the Golf Course, and while it works, he reiterated his concerns in a lack of man- <br /> agement control, based on the City's obligation to provide those connections free, <br /> but also recognizing they are subject to the terms of use found acceptable, and not <br /> used for purposes that the City could or would not support. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe, Mr. Heiser clarified that if the connections were by <br /> fiber, the City would and could manage that system completely and avoid those <br /> potential issues. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Mr. Heiser noted that the Comcast <br /> proposal was based on the group rate quoted, and his next step would be to deter- <br /> mine if removing any of those locations would significantly impact their proposed <br /> rate. Since construction was already happening on some of those sites, Mr. Heiser <br /> opined that getting from the right-of-way to the building itself should not impact <br /> the quoted rates significantly. <br /> Etten moved, McGehee seconded, authorizing staff to go out for proposals to <br /> connect Rosebrook and Lexington Park buildings with fiber using money from <br /> the Communications Fund; and seeking proposals to connect the other buildings <br /> through a contract with Comcast, and then to explore more partners and funding <br /> sources for the Villa Park and Sandcastle connections. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Willmus, Mr. Heiser reviewed previous presen- <br /> tation information related to controls for the uploading component for security <br /> cameras and card access areas and their various programming needs. However, <br /> Mr. Heiser noted the problems if city guest users were viewing a live-stream <br /> viewing a movie or using Netflix on the City's wireless at a park location, and <br /> impacts to the program, as well as monitoring capabilities for the Police Depart- <br />