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<br />......... <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />b12S3b01::Jj EUi::R!:::.1 bF.UUI-' <br /> <br />jIJ 1 j-'k).:; <br /> <br />..i HI'! 10 . ';to It..,~~'! <br /> <br />Page Two <br />January 16. 1998 <br />Kim L. Lee, AICP <br />City of Roseville <br /> <br />We subsequently found out that staff leaked information concerning our informal <br />discussions to City Council members, which prompted Council member Goedeke to <br />distort the information for use as an eJection campaign issue and to foment fear and <br />opposition among the Dellwood Avenue neighbors. <br /> <br />On November 7, 1997. '\/\Ie submitted a Comprehensive Plan amendment application for <br />our 3.2-acre property only. <br /> <br />In mid-November, Mr. Sarkozy andlor Dennis Welsch scheduled a City Council work <br />session regarding Everest's property without telling Everest and contrary to Everest's <br />written requests. <br /> <br />At the November 17 Council work session, among other misstatements. staff <br />mischaracterized Everest's preliminary discussions as a TIF proposal and omitted <br />Everest correspondence from the planning packet At the meeting Council member <br />Goedeke falsely portrayed the "project" as a "10-story" building and other Council <br />members disparaged a supposed "project" that Everest had not applied for nor <br />proposed and was not properly before the City. What ~ before the City was our <br />Comp Plan amendment application submitted ten (10) days earlier and covering only <br />our property. <br /> <br />Challenged on the inadequate notice the day after the work session, Dennis Welsh <br />falsely claimed that the City had faxed notice of the meeting to Everest the previous <br />Friday. No evidence of such a fax transmittal has been produced. Our own facsimile <br />records show no such a transmittal was received. <br /> <br />The staff report prepared by Mr. Welsh for the January 14 Planning Commission review <br />01 Everest's application was biased, lacking in legitimate planning rationale, and in <br />recommending denial of the application, set forth as -findings" conelusory opinions <br />without supporting factual basis. The staff report wholly disregarded the substantia! <br />body of professional planning and appraiser opinions submitted with the application <br />which establish that the character and highest and best use of the property is <br />commercial office, and the numerous policy references in the Comprehensive Plan <br />which reinforce the importance of business development, job creation and tax base. <br />The traffic "analysis" included in the staff report was speculative and deficient. as <br />exemplified by the fact that Everest's traffic consultant showed that traffic volumes on <br />Hamllne Avenue would be less upon full development of a 50,000 square foot office <br />building on our site, even if 100% occupied by medicaJJdental users, than they '\Nere in <br />1985, owing to a decrease in Hamline Avenue traffic from 1985 to the present. <br />