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<br />.1(. . <br /> <br /> <br />-1- 203 LITTLB CANADA ROAD <br />SUITB laO <br />SAINT PAUL <br />MINNBSOTA H111 <br />TEL: 61l.~90.9266 <br />PAX: 6Il,~90-9l6S <br /> <br />H'I&:CI~l"CJlIU.:.VII!@ <br /> <br />">'OFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS <br />INCORPORATED <br /> <br />February 5, 1998 <br /> <br />Mr. Dale Joel. <br />Schaferichardson, Inc. <br />420 North Fifth Street, <br />Minneapolis, Minnesota <br /> <br />Suite 530 <br />55401 <br /> <br />Subj: <br /> <br />Parking Lot Addition Healy-Ruff Company <br />Roseville, Minnesota <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Joel: <br /> <br />Attached you will find the drainage calculations for the proposed <br />addi tional paving at the Healy-Ruff site. These calculations <br />provide for the required detention ponding at the northwest corner <br />of the site.' At present I the site drains to the west onto the <br />n~ighboring property and then toward the north and west, according <br />to the City. You 'are required to provide detention storage on your <br />si te so that your proposed new parking area does not create a <br />runoff rate exceeding the present runoff rate with the existing <br />paving .' <br /> <br />You will see on the last sheet that the runoff rates are so similar <br />that we had to even further reduce the detention runoff in the <br />computer model in order to get the program to compute. However, we <br />took the runoff from the coinciding lOO-year storms in ord~r to <br />compute a volume for detention ponding. A strict cut from elevation <br />,962.0' yields a pond bottom of approximately 960.51. <br /> <br />Instead of cutting to elevation 960.51, we recommend that a rock <br />filter berm be placed near the west property line to a height of at <br />least 11 above grade. Then a very slight depression should be made <br />below the 962.' elevation within the noted 962' contour. This will <br />provide you with the necessary detention ponding but will also <br />allow the detention area to filter back to a dry pond condition as <br />is presently the case immediately west of the west property line. <br />