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<br />Attachment One <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />Tho rollowlnu t!oscrllJed Prollllsos, sHuolotlln tho Clly 01 nosovlllo, Count V 01 nornsoy, In tho Sli'lta <br />ot Mlnnosoto, 10 wll: <br /> <br />^" of Ihol port ot Iho Wosl 11201 Iho Southwost 1101 01 lhe Soulhwosl 1/4 01 tho <br />Southwest 1/4 or Socllon 14, TownshIp 29, nonuo 23. lying Soulh or 0 Uno rllnnlnu Enst III <br />II(lhl unulos 10 tho Wast IIno 01 sold Socllon 14, Irolll 0 point thaI 0.011 dlstnnl no.!) IlIul <br />North or Iho Soulllwosl cornor 01 sold Soctlon 14 ond 011 that pOlt .01 tho Wosl ''''.ollllu <br />Suulhwosl 1/4 ullho SouthwosI 1/1 of Iho Soulhwosl1/1 01 Soctlon 14, Township :HJ, <br />Bauuo 2J dose,llJotl ns lollows: Commonclno ot 0 point on tho Wost 11/10 01 sold Socllun <br />14, ulslollt 32U.G 1001 Nurlh 01 Iho Soulhwost cornor lhorool, Ihonco rUllnh1U Ensl I'll rlulll <br />ollulos 10 solt.l WO,llIno I U3.::J 1001 to Iho I)olnl 01 beulnlllnu 01 lomJ l.Iolno duscrlbed: <br />(hollca North 01 IIOhl 0110101 one lonlh or 0 foot: Ihanca Eo't 01 rluht IInulas nO.06 loot; <br />thollco Nurth ot rlohl DIIOlos 20.97 roal: Ihanca East at I10hl ol1olos 110.44 1001 muro or loss , <br />to Iho Enst illlo ollllorolloscrlbod Incllol1 01 Secllon 14. thonco Soulh on snld EnSI lino ' <br />21.U1 1001: !llonco WoSI 130.61 100\lIIoro or loss to tho poInt oll>ouhllllllU, I\UIIISUY <br />CUUllly, Mhlllosolo. <br /> <br />AU Ihot porI or tho West 12/01 Iho Soulhwosl 1/4 01 the Southwost 1/4 of tho Soulhwost <br />1/4 01 Soctlon 14, Towllshlp 291 nOIlUo 2J,Iylnu Norlh or 0 Ihlo runlllllij 01 Iluhl Dl1Ulus to <br />tho Wosllln8 01 sold Section 1 rl !rorn 0 polnl thoroon dlslollt :)29.6 loot North of thD <br />SUlIlhwosl curllor 01 snld Soclloll 1~, lylllU Soulh 01 0 Uno rJosctllJod os follows: UuuinuillU <br />01 0 pollll on Iho Woslllno of sold Soclloll 14, dlslont 0161.6 1001 North or IhD Suulhwost ' <br />cOlnar of sold Sucllon. Ihoilco runnlno EilStolly to 0 110lnt all tho Enslllllo 01 sold Wasl In <br />01 Soulhwosl IJtI 01 Iho SOUlhwost 1/4 of tho Soulhwost 1/4 (jlstonl 41)2.00 loot Norlh of <br />Iha Suulh Uno,.pl solt.! SocllolI t 4, a xcejll 011 Ihot port 01 Iho Was I 1/2 or tho Soulhwus I I'" <br />of Ilia Southwo 5 I I JiI .of 1110 Soulhwos t 111 01 Soc 11011 11. Tuwnshlp 29, nOIlUo 2'3, <br />dascrlhod os lullows: COllllnanclllO lit a polllt at Ihe Woslllno 01 solt! SoCllon \1. distullt <br />J:.!O,G 1001 Nurth Ollho,Soulhwosl cornor IlIoroul, Ihonco rullnlllU Easl 01 IluhlIlIIUlos 10 <br />sold Wesl 11110 \ 93.3 Idol to I)ohil ollJeulnnlno of IOlldlJolnu doscrllJod, Ihonco Nurth ill <br />rluhl "nulas III 0 01 0 fuol. thollco East at iluht 0llul08 00.05 loot. thoneo Norlh DI duhl <br />ollUlos 20.07 foe I. thollco Eosl at rluht onolos 1\0.44 1001 mora or foss 10 Eosllhlo 01 <br />nlurot.loscllbodlractlun 01 Soctlon 101, Ihonco South 011 sold Eoslllno 21.07 loot, thonco <br />Wust 130.51 f8011110ra ur loss \0 0 point or 1>0011\111110. namsey CuunlY, Mlllnosolo. <br /> <br />Alllhol pnrl of II IIi Wast '1/2 of lIlo Southwost 1/4 01 tho Southwost 1/4 of tho Soulhwosl <br />I ft\ 01 Socllon 14, Townsh11) 29, nonuo 23, Iylnu Soulh of 0 11110 runnlnu nl rluht nuulus lu <br />tho Woslllno 01 snld Socllon 14, Irom 0 polllllllerooll IIlstanl 61>9.3 loot Nurth 01 Iho <br />SoUlhwos t cornol ul sold sac lion 101. ondlylllO North .of 11 IIno doscrll>ou ns rollows: <br />UU\IIIIIIIIIU pt n pulnt all Iho Wost 11110 .01 snld Soclloll 14. dlstont (jIJ 1.6 loot Narlh of <br />Suulhwosl corllor 01 sold Saclloll. Ihollco luimlllU Eostady 10 0 pulllt on tho Enst IIno of slllll, <br />Wosl 1/2 ollho Southwost 114 of Iho Soulhwast 114 of Iho Southwosl 114 dls\nnt 'I!.L2l1U <br />luul NO'lh .01 tho Sou Ih Ihlo of sold Soctlon 14. <br /> <br />Tho Norlh lour hundred lhlrleen 14131 leel of Iho Norlh seven hUlldrod slxly.suvan P071 <br />raol of lho East Two hundred twonly-nlne and 'twenly.sevon hundrodlhs 1229.271 fool at <br />tho Soulheost Quorler (SE 1/41 of lho SouthODSt Ouarlor ISE 1I~1 or Socllun 16, Township <br />2t1. flullUo 23, County of nnrllsoy. Slato ul Mlnnosoln. <br /> <br />Tho Wasl 112 or tho Soulhwosl 111I ullha Soulhwost 1/4 oJ lho Southwost 1/4 01 Soctlun <br />H. Township 29. I1nnuo 23, oxcopt Iho Wast 160 loel thoraoJ Iylna Nollh 01 n !!II:: r~;nnlilU . <br />ot lIuhl anulos 10 Iho sold We!~ !!n:: ,,: ;;olJ SocliulI 101, from D 1)011\1 thorooll ulH>.J 1001 <br />Nunh ollho Soulhwest cornor lherool. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />Tho WaS! 1101 of lho Norlh 1/2 of lho Southwesl 1/4 oJ the Southwosl 111 01 Soctlon 14, <br />TownshIp 29, nOIlOo 23. oxcopt or the Norlh 247 1001 DmJ oxcopt Iho Soulll GO foot <br />lhoroul. ' <br />