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<br />~-' - <br />~ <br /> <br />5567-37 <br /> <br />EASEMENT NO. 2 <br /> <br />SS-3-/G. <br /> <br />THIS INDENTURE, Maae thi. ____ aay of <br /> <br />, 196_, <br /> <br />by and between Reuben L. ~ndersQn and Lucille A Ander8Qn~ <br /> <br />, husband and wife, ~ <br /> <br />, of the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, <br /> <br />parties of the first part, and Village of Roseville, Ramsey County, <br /> <br />Minnesota, a municipal corporation, party of the second part, <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the sum of $ 1 0' <br />in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt <br />whereof is hereby acknowledged by parties of the first part, said <br />parties of the first part do hereby give and grant unto party of <br />the second part, its successors and assigns, perpetual easement <br />for underground sewer mains, pipes and appurtenances to an <br />approximate depth of 9-J~ feet over and across a strip of land <br />in the Village of Roseville, Ramsey County, Minnesota, 1i <br />feet in widt~~ par~ of the fol1ow1Dg ds8cribed parcall <br /> <br />Unplatted Lands (79-0080-C70-29) <br />Beginning 1608.5 feet N~rtheasterly from West line of N~rth- <br />west Quarter (NW~) on a line parallel with and lOO feet S~uth- <br />easterly at right angle from N~rthern Pacific R/W: thence S~uth <br />and parallel with said West line 523.87 feet: thence East at <br />right angle 400 feet: thence North and pprallel with said West <br />line 565913 feet to intersect first described parallel liner <br />thence SJuthwesterly thereon to beginning in Section a, Town- <br />ship 29, Range 23, <br /> <br />said easement being 20 feet on the N~rth side and 5 feet on the <br />S~uth side ~f the following described centerline: <br /> <br />C~mmencing at a point 5 feet North of the South pr~perty <br />;ine and 2895 feet East of the West property line: thence <br />ast,37l95 feet MOL to the East property line and there <br /> ting_ <br /> <br />. - <br /> <br />",-'+-,". <br /> <br />..:~ '.~. <br /> <br />-- --... <br /> <br /> <br />~~\~ <br /> <br />r-" ~~ <br /> <br />.'. <br /> <br />. ' <br />~'~.... <br /> <br />L..... <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />~ :. <br />;, ] <br />~. .t <br />h:{ <br />~~:.~~ <br /> <br />.~. - <br /> <br />- _. <br /> <br /> <br />r: .;. <br />\:.::-_: <br /> <br />..., ...... <br />~.",.. ..... <br />c-: <br /> <br />-'. .. <br /> <br />ro-::-' <br /> <br />.... <br /> <br />r: .: <br />!~ ;- <br />r~- ~ <br />L : <br />. f":. : <br />~.- . ,". <br /> <br />~ <br />2' <br /> <br />...:- <br /> <br />~'-' <br />.:., \ <br />..:..' <br /> <br />t: <br />1.-..-- <br />L_ <br />I <br />,..' <br />r-- <br />,- , <br />"too. <br />I: <br />i"o : <br />I ,"-~ <br />[. .~. <br />1:' <br />t. .' <br /> <br />b <br />i <br /> <br />( <br />.j .. <br />fL <br /> <br />t.: <br />~:,. . <br />.r: : <br />r <br />c:: : <br />.-;:.... <br /> <br /> <br />.-.rHo <br /> <br />~:,: <br />-?;: <br />i... . <br /> <br />;;~ ~ <br />, <br />\, <br />I;..; <br />~ ~,.. <br />~~ <br />;J." <br /> <br />,.- <br />~, <br />