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<br />- ., <br /> <br />VACANT LANL . 'URCHASE AGREEMENT <br />Tt,I~ rorm OpP'OI/OO by tho Mlnnesola l\s.sOCitulcn or <br />REAUORS" Minnescla AssociDlion of REALTOR~ <br />dIsclaim... 8ny lIab!.!!!r 61$1"'9 oul 01 u".. ..... ml"us& 01 Ihls Ionn. <br />1. Dalo ~ I D .:'4:f 7 <br />2. PaQe 1 of G Pages <br /> <br />j." <br /> <br />3. RECEIVED OF mE 1/1.) o7J:.f liC,ff)Je:.s J)Jc. A..v<J Oe.... ITs. . As..S,/6'J.s <br />o\.lho lIum of Fol..CA,..- "HQl.A.'S.4 .A,Q Dollars (S""iJ. DCD.Oo _) <br />5. trI. CHe~""""'CJTE_ 88 earnest money 10 be ~ upon ecceptanco of Pu~ Agl9Gmtlnt by III parties, on 01" before U'1O neon <br />-'.~ ..~..... ' <br />6 ~,... d8y .n- ~pUlnce. In a truot GIQCOunl of 111111119 broker bI.It to be re(urno:;d 10 B~yer " Purchase .Ggreemenl Is not ~ by <br />7. Seller. SaId UWT1e'$t ~ Is pas1 PE')'mctr1! fQr ~ pur1::hase 01 Ihe property lo:::GIIad 01= . . . <br />8 l.: , <br />9. CIty of RO,(eLJll-l5".:r '5f /}AJJlf&1Y VI.U/lt-;L?; . Ccunl)' af_ H~~-,,,,,.,... . S1* ,d Minr"lElSd:a. <br />1(1 k9'I/IY de:sc:rlbOO 9$:' 1..0 r: , B(...O~",,"-I M~T~ 1sT ./I~ ~ In"" " ~l::.->" <br />11, <br />12, Fd..dng Ihe bIo.YIng ~. I' any, 0M'I9d by SeIIof and IocaIed on said propert)t: all gan;Ien bo.Jlbs, ~ shrubs ancIlreeB; and .a.o the foIlowtng <br />13 pel'1lOOal PfOPI'rty: <br />,,,. p/I r$ whk;b..~;~ has .,\ls dS)'. agreed \0 00II1\:.1 BIJ)"OI' ~ the sum 01'; --.!l..n~ /!L.M"1L)/l..a:).. 1'1,vL1 rJFY~Y <br />1So / Jf'2.t:E:. / Ilv/~ ~ .j)Pu.+1$ _ ($ /~ nb.o.a, DoI1ars. <br />16 MIlch Buyer agr9E19'lD pay In \he following roanner. EamEl$t monO)' of S _1!:.f?CV~OD and $ /4- ~OOO'~ OD <br />17. cash on Of bOO::Irn () c.. r .J.c?-I!q!] 7 the date of closing. and \he bela.noo at $ <br />1a by financing In ~ wt1h 1111,1 alladled IinancIng eddeodYm: <br />19. A&8UmpUon Conlnd ror Deed Conv:'~~I~~ ~Un:hBSe ~oney Mortgage O1.lwt <br /> <br />20. SPECIAL CONTINGl:NctES: . This Purchase Agreemei-rt 19 subjec:l to th'.l IoIloMng oonIlngenclos and if \he bl'1oNing oontiogencIe9 ~ bebN <br />21. C<tf1I'"d be satlsI'lOd or 'I'o'aM!d. 10 wrfllng, by Buyer I:1f 0 6\ ~O , 19~. \his ,6g~ shall become nun <br />22. and wid. and an oamest money shalf be ~nded Ie \h8 Bu}~[ Buyern and seners agroo 10 sign a canc:ellaIIon at Ih9 PuIt:t1ase Ag~. <br />23. (Saloct "1"Pn:'f)l13t~h~ . <br />2".JiI...(a,) BUYE~.!.~R~f J.'f'O'Ade e ~lCaIe at su~ of (he property, Ell E:JUYE~SELL~pense, no! Ia!et Ihan <br /> <br />25. 17116, 19!Z1. <br />26 y(. (b) Burer ot:caInlng awrovaJ cI ci~tp d ~ buiklir1g plans and specilic3l1on9 ~ SELLE'" expense. <br />..- ....- <br /> <br />'Z1. S. (e) . Bu)9' oIAaIntng opprtMII of cit}flDwnshfp d proposed svbdMsloo de-.oeJopment pram; Ka~ ~!ll-ER et.peOS6. <br /> <br />26. y1 (d)' BU)<< cU8Jnlng epprIMII d city/'b:JYvn:>h1p ror rezonIng or use pem111:s CB~~!,!:..'-:.~ ex.pense. <br /> <br />4!!1 rJ. (e) e~ obC3Inlng ~~~.!:-!-_~!:' mpenso, pe!>;Ol"lion les!s Yohlch are acceptable 10 BU)'Sf. <br /> <br />n yJ (I) Buyer obtaInl"g e(,.~ ~~Lg,R ex.pense, soil los15 which Indicala U'I<\! (he property may be lmprowd without EfltlraordlnaI)' bJ~rng <br />31. ~ IOd9 Of ro:sI:. . <br />32. F-) (g) Buyer ot:calnlng ~I cI building plans al"1(1Q' weciflC3lioos In sC:I:X:>n::Js/lce wilh nny recorded sutxlMsion ~ and 8ppI1:M!I d <br />:n !he wctlltedurnl (X:rIIrOI commrnee. <br />~.~ (t1) OIHER: &111i 11;> ~r:;---flfJ~".".)~ fb,L ~LJ.J:~\"oiIT 10 1.0(h\I\<....\l'=~ I\-~';O'.IQIJ(' 'TV :e.u.Y..'rI'~ SlIT:. oPv\...J <br />3'>. ~ t f TI e-c. D F ~ T..t\M I1!.!L 'L..1:.R.QSt;'~ I. ,:,. I) t-/1I_!l LL.....J'lPPJJ:!P.1.2.I.4l'L..b.!ll..t1:.ll.fu.ili:~ <br />'V\ Si;1fIar's mpenses tor these cont;"9"f'Id~ (it sf')? shRfl OCJI eox:ccd $ _ /D.J)Q_....Q~ · <br />:V. 5efIer grun13 permission 01' ~ IQ the P"='P""ty lor ~rng 3m' sul"M)'l''9 purposes. <br />3F\. F'l..EASE NO'T1!: Buya<- mB)' Ir1cut edditlc>nN c:h""gOS II1'1pro....lng I.he pmporty Including bu1 no! limited 10: Hook-\Jp end-tIr 8OCII!!ISS ch9.rge9, municipal <br />;J9. charyoEI9, 00!120 for _ ..ooess.. IJtlJbt>Ing ~ wa!>3r 8CC'OSS, p.m< dQd\caIion. I1)8d ecoe9$. uli!ity oorrnedlon ard oonnecting foes. tuIb CIJIS <br />I\(hndbeeplanllogehalgl;le. '^tll\f'1~;~ .~D be l).{" to'hJ,W'I;'j /1,Jb' . <br />".. "b IhQ bo5I. d \he Se4'Ief's knotMedgo ~ are ro hazardous was1es, 8b€IridonAd wel~.. ~ ul'\doo;lrout1d storage tanlG. ~ as herein rded. <br />"2. SPECIAL WARRANTIES: SOller ~- lhi:tt .II~ p~rly des>:::ri1:lo:Xt In U,i9 PII/t';ha:;Q J\gn:Icmer'lt ~ at <br />^:3 f:J., OOt"~ As:ftt::3.~B~AE F~" and is currently zoned _d::!li~ {(57.' (/'L.- ..,.. ~1- Pl" ;uJt ) .'114,- <br /> <br />'H. Soeo(Ier wamIf1IS tt1sI Iha pn:>p9rty I~ ~1 Iho deslgnrned 100 ~;)r I\ond plain are;!. <br /> <br />45. seoer warrantllhallhe property Q:9_~.~ ~~~~~MJ pn:.oIurenlhl \a)( lrealmOfll (i.e.. Green ~ etc.). <br />"6 Attached an:! tCher addenda 'o\Ihkh are made a part 01 (his Purcha.5'3 J\jreornent (Enter page or pages on line 2) <br /> <br />"T. DEEDlMARKETABLE TITLE: Urw;Jn perfom1ance by Buyor, ~Iter shi\J1 der~ a <br />.,a In by spouse, If any, conveying ~ litla, subject 10: <br />"9 eN Bu1ldlng end zoning Iaw9, onflnancOS.. smta and ~ regvlallons: (8) n~rir;jions ~ing to IJ5(I a rrtpItNemenI d It1e pn:Jperty wIthou1 efrer.:fN9 <br />5O.Iorfahure pn;:MsIons; (C) R~ d any mlnemJ fights by 1M Stale d Mlntle5Oli3: (0) UUlity and drain<;lQe ~ whiCtl do mt InIef1en;J <br />5 I. with S(lslI'ng ImplUwm9nt9: (E) Rights of lenants as ron0W3 (unrelSS spedfied. 1'101; subject 10 !ef1ancles): <br />52 <br />S3. (F) OIJ~ (Must be ~ 10 wriIIng): _ <br />&1. TITLE & EXAMINATION; Seller shall. withIn a !ge-"I)nable lime allor BCalpI!:IrCe ci U,ISI agreement. fumlsh an abstract c( titla, or a reg~e.ed <br />!).'!o. pr'q)Orty' nbstmd, oew1Ified 10 date ~ Include proper seatt:hes O!;M;Iring ban~cios. stare and lader'" ~n13 and lienS. and levied and p(\'Il(f;ng <br />!j(l SPQCIaI ~ Bu)'ot 8hall be aJ\oMId 10 busIness d8'y9 aner I1!CJ9iI;( rA abStract b- e:raminallon c( title and mak!n9 WT'f objec.1b~ wtllct1 <br />57 sh."1II bO ~ In WI1dng or deamed waI'>.9j. II any oqectlon Is so made. Seller Gh~ have 10 busIness d~ from mce,~ d Buyer's .....mten IIU6 <br />!Xi ol:JjedIons n rQIfy Buyer d SeIIoc'a In!erJ\k)n ~ make IIIIa maMMbI& oMIhln 120 dS)"-J from Seller's recelDI or such writIen ~, II rdio9 Is <br />59. ~, psyTTMrl9 mn,under I'El:jUjred shall be ~!EId pending 0C'JI'ri?d1on ci lijlo. but upoo ~Jon d IiIfg and' wtIhIn 10 days after wrilten n:6:::e <br />00. 10 Buyer the pattIoe $haJI ~n this Purchase JIgroement ac=rd1ng 10 its Ien-ns.. II no such notice Is given or If not~ I!I ~ but We Is no! <br />m. corl~ wtthln the limo piuvtded b; \his Pu~aso AgmemenI .shall be r'lull And...oid, at opIion at BoJyef; nenhsr party shall be nable for ~ <br />62. horoundor t:I IhiIJ dh8r end IIBrTI95t rT1Of'19)' shall be refunded 10 81.JY9r; BU)6t and SP./"", agree 10 sIgr1 c:81'II:ePaIIon d Purcha..<:e .6grurement a~ <br />63 ogroos 10 erooopt en owner'e IItIe pofoey In Ihe M 81TIOIJnt ci Ihe po..IfChe$Q price In ,leu cl art IIbstr8c:t d tiIIe It the prq-'Y Is subjed 10 a maslet" <br />('A ebs11i1ct or If no ~ d \Jt!e Is In SeIler's possession or DDI1\roI. It 6vyer 13 10 mcef.,..g Guch p:>Ilcy (1) !he title Sl<amlrmtlon period shall ~ ICe <br />ro L,)(Y1 6uyor'9 ~ d a curror1 1100 Insurance commitment. BOO (2) Seller ISha]! pay 1119 entire premium tor $UCh policy I\' no Iender's pd1cy Is <br />O!l oI.1D3J,"9d. and ~adlflllcnaJ 00Gt d OCCaIning B s;nKJllaneousIy I!;:sued OM"Ief"S policy It a Iender's polley Is obIaJned (B~ shaD pay !he pmrTuum <br />61, b Iho kIndor'a . -<.J J;tm ,--z / <br />: . -.J/.3'?J/c;? <br />m f~ and B'.J"I9'1lrltlAl~ SoIIor __ __. ______.'._____'._ _ Droo__________ _ B~ ______-'._______ D3t1J <br />,.., '.U, ~I (\9:1) j r <br />za-d <br /> <br />G ~:)'t.\ V\C-. <br /> <br />WamInIy Deed joined <br /> <br />1:E>ZZ:8S'5> <br /> <br />~z:W~.~8'5>z:9z:~ ~~ LI:Z0 a3M <br /> <br />L6-TZ-=03a <br />~ <br />