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<br />.. .", _,., '~_.~__.~__,w.. <br /> <br />~_~, CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY <br /> <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPnON: ~ \. <br />Southerlv Parcel of Lot J and Northerlv Parcel of Lot ..,. ,. J. \. <br /> <br />I That port of Lot 3, B/ock 1. CENTRE POINTf BUS/NESS PARK, according to thB "'(. <br />',rBcardedp/at thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying saulherly of the .. 0.. RYAN <br />' :~ following described line: Commencing at the northeast comer of said Lot J; ?", oj <br />thence South JO degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds Easl, assumed bearing, 171,23 \Uo <br />fBBt along IhB easterl)' line of sold Lot 3; thence southerly 143.99 feBt olong <br />said Basi line of Lot J on a tangenl/al curVB concoVB to the wesl wilh a . <br />radius of 275.00 feBt and wllh a cenlral anglB of 30 degrees 00 minules 00 \ COMPANIES <br />sBconds; Ihlmce on a bearing of South 90,00 feet tangent to said curve along " <br />said Bast /inB of Lot J to IhB point of bBginnin9 of the line 10 be described; ,/ " <br />thencB on a bBafing West 408.50 feBt to a poinl on the west /i11O of Lot 3 and' C <br />said /inB there terminating. ""... \7 US, IN. <br /> <br />ALSO ~~''(, <br />'" D <br />Thai pari of Lal 4. Block I, CENffir POINTF BUSINESS PARK, according to the '" '6. <br />rBcordBd pial Ihereof. RamsBY Counly. MinnBsota, lying northerly and , ~ EXHIBIT B-1 <br />norlheoslBrly of a IInB dBscribBd as follows: CommBncing al IhB norlhwesl qo ?8' ~. Comb;notl'an 'or <br />.,comBr of saId Lol 4; thence Soulh 00 degrBes 00 minutes 00 seconds West...___ I (J, U' "II <br />ossumed baarlng. olong the wBsl line of sold Lot 4 0 distance of 89.'34 feet to g new Lot <br />the bBginning of the line to be described; Ihence North 90 degrees 00 minutes <br />00 seconds East a distance of 18f'87 feet; thenc" South 45 degrees 00 minutes <br />00 SBconds East a distance of 9958 f"Bt to thB easlerly line of said Lol 4 <br />and sold fine IherB lermlnaling, <---- 'iJ9 ?~ <br />, ~~~' <br /> <br />~,I <br />, :. I <br />"." 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PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR under <br />the lows / he Stote of Mi sot <br /> <br />FOR: <br /> <br />8 <br />ci <br />01 <br /> <br />We.t 11n. of Lot J <br /> <br />f' ~-" I'D r:.,- <br />~ L_ I 'I I I \ l_ <br /> <br />~ <br />j <br /> <br />........-.. <br /> <br />West <br /> <br />--.. ; <br /> <br />408.50 <br /> <br />, <br />, <br />, <br />: <br />I <br /> <br />. <br />. <br />, <br /> <br />'"",,-.. <br /> <br />C)r\ I t\ ITr:.,- <br />I VII'I I l_ <br /> <br />\ 0"- <br />L.V \ <br /> <br />.... <br />.....1 <br /> <br />~... <br /> <br />/17 q~o <br />4,~gS <br /> <br />175.890 sq.(t, <br />4.04 Acres <br /> <br /> <br />'=<II~It\IC~~ <br />~... U ........ \ I \j L_........ ........" <br /> <br />~<f'/ <br />t <br />/ <br />l':/ <br />.~ <br />.,p <br />~ <br />/ <br /> <br />N.W, c<>mor .'of LoI " <br />'" <br /> <br /> <br />.... <br />0.'" <br /> <br />~~ <br />8i~ r\ T <br />L.V I, <br /> <br />........-.. <br /> <br />N90000'OO"E <br /> <br />\ <br />\-.... <br />......... <br />() <br />C) <br /> <br />. <br />...." <br />f,., <br />, -....J <br /> <br />D^DI/ <br />. nl\\\ <br /> <br />Eo.IOJ1y line 01 <br />LoI. ! <br /> <br />" '>'N,"we'stWOOd <br /> <br />, " " " Westwood Professional SBrvlces. Inc <br />104 Morty Or. SlJlte 3 <br />Buffolo, MN 55313 <br />612 662-2587 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Date 5/;/je <br />I J <br /> <br />Revised south line 5/7/98 <br />Revised legal 4/20/98 <br />