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<br />.". '.',' r_..:..-.._.,....:........_.,.....-...-...:.___....;.._.....~~.._-_. <br /> <br />~. _~" CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY <br /> <br /> <br />LreAL DESCRIPTION: ~ \ <br />Southerly Parcel of Lot J and Northerly Parcel of Lot 4 ,- .1>.- <br />~ Q <br />Thai pari of Lot J, Block 1, CENTRE POINTE: BUSINESS PARK, according 10 Ihe "c <br />rtJcordtJd pial IfttJrtJof, RomstJy County. MinntJsolo, lying soulherly of thtJ ~ 0,.. R V A N <br />following described line: Commtmclng at Ihe norlheosl comer of said Lot 3; ~ '" <br />thfmce South 30 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East, assumed bearing, 171.23 \'" <br />feet along the easterly line of sold Lot 3; thence southerly 143.99 feet along <br />$Oid <lOst line of Lot 3 on a tangentIal cu~ concave 10 Ihe west wilh a , <br />radius of 275,00 feet and with 0 central angle of 30 degrees 00 minutes 00 \ COMPANIES <br />seconds; thence on 0 t>60rlng of South 90,00 fe6t tangent to said curve along " <br />said <lOst IintJ of Lot 3 to the point of beginning of the /ine to be de$cr/bed; ...' : <br />thence' on 0 btlaring Wesl 408.50 fetlt 10 0 point on thtl west line 01 Lot 3 and .. <br />said line Ih~ terminating. "".. 'V' US, IN C. <br /> <br />ALSO t. , <br />'~~<!I <br />" o. <br />, g <br />.. . <br />.... <br />.. <br />g <br /> <br />FOR: <br /> <br />That pori of Lot 4, Block I, CENTRE POINTE: BUS/NESS PARK, according to the <br />recorded plat IhertJOf, Romstly County. MinMsota, lying northerly and <br />northeasterly of q line descrit>ed 0$ follaws: Cammencing 01 Ihe nqrthwest <br />comer of said Lal 4; thence South 00 degrees 00 mInutes 00 seconds West, <br />assumed bearing, along Ihe wesl line of said Lot 4 a distance of 98.78 fetlt to <br />the beginning of th" lin" to t>e de$cribed; thence North 90 degree$ 00 minule$ <br />00 $econds Easl a di$lance of 194.99 ItJtJl; thtJnctJ Soulh 45 degrtJtJ$ 00 minute$ <br />00 seconds East a dislance of 89.36 fetJt to Ihe easterly lin" of soid Lot 4 <br />and $aid line there terminating, <br /> <br />EXHIBIT 8-1 <br /> <br />Comb/nation for <br />n6W Lot <br /> <br />, <br />, <br /> <br />8 <br />6 <br />'" <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />IL <br /> <br /> <br />-.......S <br /> <br />': ~__~ YD/~_ <br />~ jw AVE: <br />~I~r- <br />~!e . <br />~I <br />~i <br /> <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />f~'f~-- <br /> <br />g: I <br />~~/~ <br />!~/' ~/ <br />~:i? I ?:sf <br />1 /~/"':! Q <br />II .v ;' <br />.tZ~' , <br />,i;'1!.- ~ ~V~ ,~ <br />.~ .~-It. <br />~t o/~~~~ ~ <br /> <br />:' '., _.-.:~<t' SCALE IN FEET <br /> <br />....;/1:t,a <br />'< -.-. ~ - 03041'04- <br />"-'- :'.,-; :.....-...-"._ L= 20.90 <br />;' "'" R- J25.00 <br /> <br /> <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />\,.... r:.,-I\ IlL:) r:.,- <br />'--' L_ I 'I I I \ L_ <br /> <br />_t line of Lot 3 <br /> <br />:; <br />~ <br /> <br />West <br /> <br />,.-- <br />" <br /> <br />408.50 <br /> <br />, <br />, <br />, <br /> <br />:=)f\ 11\ IIC <br />, VII'I I L_ <br /> <br />c:) <br /><: <br /> <br />..... <br />.../ <br /> <br />\ (\~ <br />L,V <br /> <br />t-..... <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />177.920 sq.ft. <br />4.085 Acres <br /> <br /> <br />S"!O'2'~<f..t <br />4.t..J";~.... <br /> <br />~3t: <br />~E <br />~g <br />o <br /> <br />~~ <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />I~ I j ~ I 1\ I r:.- ~ ~ <br />[... U '-" I I 'I L_ '-" '-" <br /> <br />t: <br />l <br />r <br />t <br /> <br />.i/ <br />.,: <br />)" <br />/ <br />.J/ <br />.<5' <br />'f' <br /> <br />N, W, ,,,,........ of Lot 4 <br /> <br /> <br />N90"OO'OO"W <br />~ ~"" <br /> <br /> line of Lot 4 '" 'oJ',. <br />;,'. <br />'b. <br />'b. <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br />or; <br />'" <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />~'< <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />, , <br />, , <br /> <br />i'. <br />:': <br />t <br />r: <br />I: <br />I:: <br /> <br />........ <br /> <br />N90QOO'OO"F: <br />.-< \.-- <br />(' \ -..... <br />\ ;J \.) <br />v C) <br /> <br />194.99 <br /> <br />, <br />----1 <br />!'n <br />-.....J <br /> <br />Easterly line of <br />Lot 4 <br /> <br />D^DV <br />, I-I I \ r \ <br /> <br />I hereby certity that this plan was prepared by me <br />or under my direct supervision and that I am 0 <br />duly registered PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR under <br />the lows of the State of Mlnnesot <br /> <br /> <br />'N' !~~r!!!n9sC?~~, Inc <br /> <br />104 Marty Or, Suite 3 <br />Buffalo, MN 55313 <br />612 682-2587 <br /> <br />i~ <br /> <br />~20~8 <br /> <br />_ _._' ,_Revis~_d,~egal_4/20/98, <br />