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<br />,~r !~~r!!!n9s~~, Inc <br /> <br />104 Marty Or. Suite 3 <br />Buff<Jla. MN 55313 <br />612 682-2587 <br /> <br />~~ <br />a , <br />I"'... " <br />IV):--J"'~I :2~ <br /><) . <br />~g .., <br />~ ~ g~ ~ <br /> <br />(:, ~o -' <br />'f' ... 0 " <br />. ~.... 0- -, <br />~~ \, II) <br />() ~ \\ , <br />c...... \\ I <br />Vj ~ \ ~... \ 25 <br />\' "'''' <br />'~~--... <br /> <br />'Wf <br />TANQENT <br /> <br />C) <br /><= <br /> <br />).... <br />~ <br />~ <br />:t <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br />~ <br /> <br />I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me <br />or under my direct supervision and that I om 0 <br />duJy registered PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR under <br />the lows of the State of Mln oto, <br /> <br />CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR: <br />RY AN COMPANIES US, INC. <br /> <br />EXHIBIT C <br />Minor Subdivision of Lot 5. Block 1 <br />Centre Polnte Business Pari< <br /> <br />Ovwall property Deacrfptlon <br />Lot 5. Block 1, CENTRE POINT<: BUSINESS PARK, according 10 the recorded plot thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br /> <br />Pared 5-A <br />That part of Lot 5, Block 1, CENTRE POINT[ BUSINESS PARK. according to the recorded plot thereof, Ramsey <br />County, Minnesota. lyin'jl northerly of 0 line described as foHows: Commencing at the most northerly <br />northwest Comer of sOld Lot 5; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 "conds West, assumed bearing, along 0 <br />west line of said Lot 5 0 distance of 56.35 feet to the beginning of the line to be described; Ihence Norlh <br />90 degrees 00 minules 00 "conds East 0 dlslance of 271,60 feel to the northeasterly line of said Lot 5 and <br />sold line Ihere termlnalln9' <br /> <br />P<rcel 5-8 <br />That part of LoiS, BloCk I, CENTRE POINT[ BUSINESS PARK, occord;n9 to Ihe recorded plat Ihereof, Ramsey <br />Counly, t.4innesola, lyinll soulherly of a line described os fallows: Commencln9 01 the most northerly <br />northwesl corner of sOld Lot 5; Ihence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, assumed bearing. alon9 0 <br />west line of said Lol 5 0 distance of 56,35 feel to the beginning of the line to be described; thence North <br />90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 0 distance of 271,60 feet to the northeasterly Uno of said Lot 5 and <br />sold line there terminating, <br /> <br />I r\T A <br />L.V' "t <br />DRAINAGE I: U11UTY EASEIW(NT <br />PER CEN1RE POINTE BUSINESS PARK <br />lr.Io.t ...orther1y N. W. <;om-er- of lot :5 <br />N90000'OO'W 241.91 <br /> <br /> <br />\ ~~ \0\ <br />\ '"" <br />\~ <br />\~\ <br />V '. \~~ <br />~..., '\ <br />"'f? . <br />;<f,. ~ , ;() \. Scott A. G~Jen, LS. <br />~:_, "'~~ \ Q. ....~Innesoto Reg, No, <br />, 0. "'6" -"J,,~ <br />~(~A<!, ~ <br />~ 0,..,' <br />.()...... "- <br />r" <:/(.. ,"'........ A <br />~ 'V<'~:~;q~, ''''-.~~ ~ <br />"". ........... rc" <br />-~- <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />PARCEL 5-A <br />14,387 sq.ft. <br />0,330 Acres <br /> <br />I <br />( --1 <br /> <br />N 90000'00. E <br />ORAJNACE .. unuTY EASEWENT <br />p~ CENTRE Po:NTE BUSINESS PARK <br />Norlhooat-en)l' lin-o of Lot 5 <br /> <br />271.60 <br /> <br />{' ':-/\ I' L> r:.- <br /> <br />"--I L_ I \j I I \ L_ <br />S. UNE: CF TJ.I( NE <br />--.L'IO <Y SEC. ~ <br /> <br /> <br />t> <br />II <br />o <br />(,,< <br />~ <br />O. <br />I,}t <br />10 <br />, <br /> <br />.;:'" <br />\..~ <br />: "....., <br />II' ""', <br />'? .s' <br />.-:J& ~o <br />fl ,.': cj It "'.p. <br />"1-0 'J!'~I$'" <br />N-'? .... ...~ <br />" "II <br /><1-'11:' <br /> <br />-r <br />\ G \ <br />\.... <br /> <br />ORotaINACE " Ul1UTY EASEN~T <br />PER CENTRE ~N1E BUSINESS PARK <br /> <br />8 <br />.; <br />" <br /> <br />:)(\1/\1'':- <br />, VI, \J I L_ <br /> <br />... <br />II <br />.Jo. <br />01 <br />~ <br />(J> <br />I,}t <br /> <br />, <br />. <br />, <br /> <br />PARCEL 5-6 <br />196,735 sq.ft, <br />4.516 Acres <br /> <br />.. <br />I...... <br /> <br />::I:J <br />II <br />.... <br />01 <br />t.I <br />!'> <br />.. <br />.. <br /> <br />I~ I I ~ I l\ j C- c-' C' <br />1.:.... U '-' II \J L_ -..:; -..:; <br /> <br />10 <br />I") <br />d <br />ID <br />N <br /> <br />!"' <br />!>> <br />II <br />V> <br />~ <br />~ <br />Ul <br />I,}t <br />o <br />r<f <br /> <br />L..I <br />, <br />I") <br />8 <br />o <br />o <br />o <br />V> <br /> <br />_..J <br /> <br />^ <br />\ <br /> <br />~~ <br />() <br /> <br />I <br />(..... \ ( <br />......... \ "- <br />,......\ '0J <br />(I\...' <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />S890S9'47"W <br /> <br />372.70 <br /> <br /> <br />Total Area: <br />211.122 sq.ft, <br />4.847 Acres <br /> <br />:) ^ L> 1/ <br />I 1\1 \ r \ <br /> <br />, <br />, <br />. <br />, <br />, <br />, <br /> <br />80 <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />40 80 <br /> <br /> <br />SCALE <br /> <br />Dote <br /> <br />9/Zoj98 <br /> <br /> <br />160 <br /> <br />IN FEET <br /> <br />Revised Boundary 4/20/98 <br /> <br />,.... r.:- ~...., . c::- ....., lOr- <br />