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<br />SELLER'S PROPERTY <br />DISCLOSURE STATEMENT <br />This ronn applO\llld by tha Minnesota Associ8tlon of <br />REALTOR$"', wt1ich disclaims any liability <br />ari5ing o)ut of use or misuse 01 this form. <br />1. Date _ <br />2. Page 1 of Peges <br /> <br />3. NOTICE: This dlsc/QSure Is nol a warranty or a guarunly of any Idnd by the SeIIer(I) or Agent(1) representing <br />4. my party(a) In thll tnlnNe1lon. The Information dlllCloaed I. given to the best of the &eller', knowledge. <br /> <br />6. INSTRUCTIONS TO BUYER: Buy&ru Ire enC:OUl1lgld 10 thoroughly IlUIpeet the property personally or have it <br />& Inspeeted by a third party, and 10 Inquire about any specltte areas of coneem. <br /> <br />jo; <br /> <br />7. INSTRUCTIONS TO THE SELLER: (1) Complete Ihls form yoursel', (2) Consult prlor dlscloBure Itatement(s) <br />8. andJor Inspection report(s) when completing this form. (3) Describe conditions afleetlng the property 10 the best <br />9. of your knO\Itledge. (4) Attaeh addlllonal pages wllh your algnature If addlllonal spac:e Is requIred. (5) Answer <br />10. all que.tlons. (6) " any Items do ~01 apply, wrtht uNA;:;t appllcsble). <br /> <br />.~. 11. Property l~atB9 at ).."'''2 ~(to/b'1r;v A...... . , <br />12. City 01 ~o..J...r COunty ot Lr>;o;.,j~Y <br />13. A, GENERAL INFORMATION: <br />104. ( 1 ) When did you purchase or build the home? <br />15. (2) 'TYPe of TItle Evidence: <br />16. Location 01 AbsIracI or Owner's DupUcale Certificale of Title: <br />17. Is there an exl$tlng Owner's Title Insurance policy? <br />1 B. (3) Haw you o<<:upled this home continuously for the past 12 months? <br />19. If no, explaJn: <br />20. ( 4 ) Is the homa suitable !of year round use? <br />21. (5) Is the property locaIlId in a designated flood plain? <br />22. (6) Are you In possession of prior seller's disclosure SUltamenl(s)? (1f yes. plesse attach) <br />23. Are Ihere: <br />24. (7) Encroachments? Yes 0 No D Unknown 0 <br />25. (B 1 Covenants. Restrictions or Reservations (non.gOYernmental) affecting the use of the property?Yes g No 0 Unknown D <br />2& (9) Easements,OIh Ih nullity or drainage ea meal,,? Yes D Non UnknowrJ 0 <br />'Zl. (10) Comments: A c:S'd Q'A-"O"\.iN\"'" ~ !Ul...d~ ~ v~~ <br />28. t:.. Nb It.. ~ I _ _---2- <br /> <br />29. B. GENERAL CONDITION:ro your knowledgo ha'I'8 any of tha Iollowlll!l eondltlons prevlou,1y allsted or do they currently ollsl? <br /> <br />30. ( 1 ) Has there been any damage by wind, fire, flood or other dlsasler(&) t1. YeJl'~ No n .. <br />31. It yes. give details 01 w.hal happened and when: ft'ltLr iI~""" I 0"''' rl-. r r- -7]"( 'h4/U <br />32. 1.1 tiT'" .A. vA I UIfc...iT, <br />33. . <br />34. (2) Has the slruClura(S) been altered? (i.e. addiUons, a!tered roollinss, changes 10 load bearing walls.) Yes 0 No ~- <br />35. If yes. please specify what was done, when and by whom (owner or contractor): ~--_._-- <br />36. <br />'ST. <br />38. (3) Soil Problems? Yes 0 No 0 <br />39. ( ~ ) Diseased 1t88S? Yes 6?J No [] ~ <br />4C. ( 5) Animal Infe$tation? Yes 0 No 0 <br />41. (6) Insect/PBst Infestation? Yes 0 No 0 <br />42. ( 7) Do you 1t1\'1I or have you p~evIOUSIY had any ePts? Yes ~ No 0 If ye~. indicate type <br />43. (8) Comme~ ~ UAII,"" grr~~CI~'~'o".) ':Qh;; p~~r. .NC? <br />44. #' '1 w__ {'<JI pltOtT. - - ' <br /> <br />45. C. STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS:To your knowledgl hII/o any 01 the following condltlona pmvlOl.lsly exlslld or do they currently exist? <br />46. (Answers apply to ell structures, such as garage and out.buildings.) <br />47. (1) THE BASEMENT. CRAWLSPACE, SLAB <br />48. (a) Found8l1on problem Yes 0 No 1!!9. (e) Drain tile problem Yes 0 No jgI <br />49. (b) Aooding Yes i No rlSJ (I) Cracl<ed floorslwalls Yea 129- No 0 <br />50. te) Wet ftoorSIwaJls Yes No 0 (91 Sewer backup Yes 0 No 0 <br />51. tel) Leakage1seepage Yes No 0 (hi Other Yes 0 No 0 <br />52. Give details to any question answared "yas": -.B::!ot>l,V'- 'fJI14:J...{,.tf 1l.I\NDiMJ f <br />53. <br />54. <br />55. <br />56. <br />57. <br />58. <br />59. <br />60. <br />61. <br />62. <br /> <br />, State ol~. <br /> <br />/99-3 <br /> <br />::c "T1-I VV):::... <br />A.bstract 6!'1" RegistereQ.fl"orrens) 0 Unknown 0 <br />~.AJt.:r ''[1;1,...9. <br />Yea ~ No 0 Unknown 0 <br />Yes~ No 0 <br /> <br />Yas~ No 0 <br />Yes 0 No 0 UnknoWn ~ <br />Yes 0 No Ig), <br /> <br />-.-----.-.----------..--- <br /> <br />---.--------------.....-- <br /> <br />~--........-......--_-----...-....... <br /> <br />l:b6 J' and number ~. <br />k!..AJr)'ow...<<l' cr " ....... <br /> <br />(2) THE ROOF <br />(e) Whal is Ihe age of .he roofing material? Ai c...{1o. IT <br />(b) Has Ihere besn interior damage from ice build.up? <br />(c) Has there been any leakage? <br />(eI) Have \here been any rspalrs or replacemen made to the roof? <br />Glw datan8 to any question an_red "yes": <br /> <br />rs- "ff"A~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />63. D. PRIVATE SEWER SYSTEM DISCLOSURE: (A Private Sewer System Disclosure is required by Minn. Statutes) <br />64. ShlGI-; app'opriate box . <br />65. The sellar does not know of a prtvate sewer system on or serving Ihe abOYe described real property. <br />66. There i8 a private sewer system on or 81rving lhe abow desCribed real property. See Privata Sewef System DisclosLlre. <br /> <br />ffl. E. PRIVATE WEll. DISCLOSURE: (A Wen Disclosuru StBlllment and Ceniflce.te are nlGuirad by Minn. Statutes) Ct1dC~ ~ppropllace bo. <br />68. fB. The seller certifies that Ihe saller does not knOw 01 any wells Of! the above described r88I property. <br />69. D The setler certifies lhere are one or more wells localed on 'he above described real prtIpVrty. Sea Well Disclosure Statement. <br />70. Ihere any wens 8ervlng Ihe eboW described property 'hal are no! located on the property? Yes D No D Unkr'lown IlS <br />71. Dale well waler last l8ated lor contaminants: Test reaults attached Yes 0 No 0 <br />12. Comments: <br />73. Is this property In a Special Well Con8lruClion Area? Ye, 0 No 0 Unknown bZI <br />74. Contarnina!8d Well: la there a well on or solVIng 111& property conlBlning contaminated waler? Yes 0 No 0 Unknown ~ <br />7'">. <A!"~.'D~.I (IJ':.'} C~h'3lN.\I. NIP':' TO ...IS~I'I(t 8Jo1::::~ 01: COPIf::9. TO 3td I:n, BuYER. 3(...lI~ dHuKE;:~. <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />i <br />I <br /> <br />! <br />! <br />I <br />j <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />I <br />