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<br />SELLER'S PROPERTY <br />DISCLOSURE STATEMENT <br />This form spprovGO by Ihe Minll8SO!a Assoc<atlon 01 <br />REALTOAS~. wt\i~h discJaitr>s any hsP,!ity <br />ariSIng ~ul 01 ul8 or miU5e :>I this form <br /> <br />1. Date .' <br />2. Page 1 of <br /> <br />Pages <br /> <br />3. NOTICE: Thla dllClosure I. not a warranty or a !lualilntv 0' any kind by the Seller(a) or Agent(a) representing <br />4. any partyte) In the tranNCllon. The In'oll1\lltlon dl8Clo1ed I, !liven to lhe befll of the 58l1er', knowledge. <br /> <br />5. INSTRUCTIONS TO BUVER: Buyef1l .re encountged to thoroughly 'napect Iha property P8f11onaJly Or hBYI! it <br />6. lnapocted by e ttllrd party, Itnd to Inq.,dre IIbout any' .paciflc Itreus of concern. <br /> <br />'jo; <br /> <br />7. INSTRUCTIONS TO THE SEllER: (1) COmplete thl. form you....lf. (2) COnlJUlt prior dlKlosunt 'Iatement(s) <br />B. and/or IMpeCIkIn report(lt) when completing ttlls tonn. (3) D.,acnbe conclJl1oM affecllng lhe ptOperty 10 the best <br />9. of your knowledge. (4) Attac:h addltlonlt! peg.,e with your IlgnelUre If Iddltklnalepace Is required. (5) Answer <br />10. ell qunllon.. (8) If any Items do not apply, wrtte "NA",j' appllceble). <br /> <br />~. n. Property Jo<oa!8d 81 ~G.i ~'iJ"'b'1f)<..J ;<1...... <br />12. ory of _ A..D~.Lr" County 01 J..ji~,jvy <br />13. A. GENERAL INFORMATION: <br />14. ( ') When did you purchase ()( build Ihe home? <br />15. (2) lYPB of T1tIe Evidence: <br />16. t..oulion of AbIIracl or Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title: <br />17. Is there an exla1lng OwrIer's Title Inauranee policy? <br />18. (3) Haw you occupied this home continuously for the past 12 ffiCnlhs? <br />19. II no. explaill: <br />20. ( 4 ) Is the home suitable lor year round use? <br />21. ( 5 ) Is the property loc.aIed ill a deaign3ted nood plaIn? <br />22. (6) Ale you in possession of prior seller'a discloaure Sllltemel'lt(s)? (II yes. please ..l1achj <br />23. Are Ihere: <br />24. (7) EncroaChments? Yes 0 No [] UI'IAl'Iown 0 <br />25. (8) Covenants, Restrictions or Reservations (non-gowrl'lmentlll) affecting the use of the propeny7Ves ~ No 0 Unknown 0 <br />26. (9) Easements, oth Ih n utlity or draifl8ge ea ment? Yes 0 No . Ullknow 0 <br />'n. (10) Comments: '" ~ <br />28. <..tLlNb <br /> <br />29. B. GENERAL CONDITION:To your knoow~'" II'IV of tile following condIUons pnMOUl1y 111,ted or do Ihey I:unently erl,t? <br /> <br />30. ( 1 ) Has there been any damage by ....ind. fire, flood or other dlsaster(a) ", 'faJl'~ No 0 . <br />31. If yes, givll dtttails 01 W!1at happened and WIlen: rc-ltLr 1tcB.If.,.r I uo............, q--.1li.1)1It-J <br />32. ,,'OoT" A. vA I ~~q-. <br />D : - <br />34. (21 Ha the str1.Idul8(8) been enerecI? (Le. additiona, altered rooIlill8S. cnanges 10 loaD b8IIf~ walls.) Yes [] No ~-- <br />35. If yea. please 8p11(:IIy what done, when and by whom (OWner or contr8ctor):.~.___._n'__'__"___ <br /> <br />36. _.____ _.n_.___._.._...___. ---.-. <br />~ --- -------.-.-----------.---.- <br />38. ( 3) Soil Problems? Yes 0 No 0 <br />39. (4) Diseased ltees? Yes P!;I No CJ~ <br />40. ( 5) Animal Infestation? Ves 0 No 0 <br />41. (6] InsectlP8st Infestation? Ves 0 No D f\... / .f ' <br />42. ( 7] Do yoI.I q~ or have yOU P!av,ouIIY had any ~? Yes 1)(1 No CJ If ye.:!. Indicate type ~_ and number ..:!-..... <br />43. (8) Commel)llC. ~ iL&Yf" tr~~ ~CI ",Y1r. oJ :D.u.- P-tSj. ft.(2 ~..,.-'lIH"'" (:.~ <br />44. A~ '1 l.__t-lI f~f1 ~- ' - <br />45. C. STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS:To your knowledge hive any of !!'Ie following condition. PfWlousty ulsted Of do they currently uiSl? <br />46. (AnSWllf1l apply to all 8UUCtures, SUCl1I18 garage and out.buildiIl9S.) <br />47. (1) THE BASEMENT, CRAWLSPACE. SLAB <br />48. (a) FoundatiorI problem Yes 0 No e (e) Drain tile problem Yes 0 No fBj <br />49. (b) Aoodlng Yes i No gJ (0 Cracked floors/wall !I Yea 5 No 0 <br />SO. (C) wet f\oortIWIIls Yea No 0 (9) s-r backup Yes 0 No 0 <br />51. (d) LBakage/SeeP8Q8 Yes No D (h) Other 'nIa 0 No 0 <br />52. Giw details 10 any question answered "yes'" ~JY'" 'fHtlOoJ'-" tf U.J\~! <br />53. <br />54. <br />55. <br />56. <br />57. <br />sa. <br />59. <br />61). <br />61. <br />62. <br /> <br />,Sta'a(]t~ <br /> <br />/98'3 <br /> <br />~ WvV~ <br />Abstract 6i1 RegistarecU10rrensf LJ Ullkllown 0 <br />~..A Jf.:r I!Ti-'" <br />Yes ~ No 0 Unknowll 0 <br />Yes~ No 0 <br /> <br />Yes ~ No 0 ------ <br />Yes 0 No CJ UnknoWII ~ <br />Yes 0 No tKL <br /> <br /> <br />(2) THE ROOF <br />(a) WI1aI is the age of the roofing material? .Ai <br />(b) H811 there been Interior damage from ice build-up? <br />(e) Hal there been Itny leakage? <br />(d) Haw ther8 been any repa!11 or repflll:e <br />Give details 10 Itny question ~ "yet": <br /> <br />c....... IT <br /> <br />~7~ <br /> <br />Ves Jii:J No 0 <br />"VSNoD <br />Yes 0 No C5 <br /> <br />made 10 the roof? <br /> <br /> <br />AILV' <br />U~&-...+- , ~"" t:r.M\ P.J1ttl\ll.b~ iiIJ~w ~h/1t..'d, <br /> <br />63. D. PRIVATE SeWER SYSTEM DISCLOSURE: (A Private Sewer system Disclosure is required by Monn. Slatuto}sl <br /> <br />64. _!;hecK app'~e 00. . <br />65. I2S The seller do8I no! know of II private sewer system on or 8IIMng !he abOVe described real property'. <br />86. 0 There i$ a prl....te _r system on or serving the above dcIICribed real property. See Privala S8wef 5yslom OisclosUfo. <br /> <br />fIT. E. PRIVATE WELL DISCLOSURE: (A well DiscloS1,n'8 Swement and CoIrtitlcatel/lI required b)I MInn. $tsliJllISl Cr..'c' ~ppfO~(I.1(e M' <br /> <br />68. <br />69. <br />70. <br />71. <br />72. <br />73. <br /> <br />r,g. TIte setl8( certlnn mal the seller does ncx know of any weUs on the abOve described real property. <br />o The MIler C8I1ifill8 lhere are one or mO(e wvllslocal9d on the IIbO-o'8 d.scribed real propertY. See Well Disclosure Swemenl. <br />Are there any wells servlno Ihe above described property that are nol located on the property? YII& 0 NOB Unlu10lvn ~ <br />Dete well water IasI IBSIIId lor conuunlnanls: TIISI resufls attactled Yes 0 No <br />COmments: <br />Is this property In e S4:JeCJaJ Well Con8!l'1Jction Aree? Yas 0 No 0 Un~nown b(J <br />_ . . ,.t_". I. ~....___ .... ......11 ....... ..... ~AM,.,n ,,.,~ ....rnrw:lrtv c..."')nfAln,no CQntemlnsred wafer? Yes rJ No 0 Unknown ~ <br /> <br />; <br />I <br />I <br />! <br />i <br />I <br />i <br />i <br />I <br />J <br />I <br /> <br />, <br />