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<br />5/-1-f"'-<::{<2S <br /> <br />\fay 15, 1998 <br /> <br />\linor Va.ri,"Ulce Committee, City of Rosevilk <br /> <br />\Ve request a variance so we can rephice our existing garage. We have spent a good part of die last five <br />years remodeling our home and the last step is to up grade our garage. The existing garage has a crumbling <br />concrete floor and block fOlll1dation stem walls that are kaning outward and badly cracked. Because this is <br />a steep lake ITont lot, the garage is bem'cen the house and the road. We would propose to set it back ITom <br />the prop~rty line thirteen feet, which would match the existing set back. It would also approximate the set <br />back of our two neighbors garages on either side. Tnere are presently four garages in similar locations close <br />to lIS. <br /> <br />It is necessary for us to have a garage up by die road. Our lot is very steep (lower drive approximately <br />I S~'o) and during the ",inter we do not park dmm by the house. In an emergency we would need to get a <br />vehicle out to the road and could only be sure of being able to do this if we park up by the road. :\l.s(" <br />mo\ing the garage further down the slope would require extensive excavation and/or fill. Our driveway <br />would have to be extensively rebuilt and the part leading do"rn to the lower parking area would become <br />excessively steep. <br /> <br />We propose to build a three bay garage "'1th rlvo stalls accessed from the road and a third ITom the side. <br />Tills third bay wouid be stepped down to foilow the existing slope. Thus the garage would look like a two <br />C~ir garage tram the rront. W.:. leel we need the third bay for boat storage. We would like to avoid adding to <br />il1.e sea of shoreline blue iaIps covering boats during th~ winter. We also need the (:)o,.1:[a storage fer large <br />la<;V11 mowers, show blower and other tools n~cessary for a large steep lot like ours. <br /> <br />\\'c have ~nduded some photos to illustrate our situation. We await your tavorable consideration. If you <br />have any question please call 482-9084. <br /> <br />;; d. fld/ <br /> <br />John Jakel and Monell Jakel <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />1..- -"../_' <br /> <br />~... 1-:-: ',-' <br />