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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 25, 2014 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Ms. Ross spoke in support of the 40 mph speed limit. While speed may be a <br /> problem from those living in the apartment building, Ms. Ross opined that people <br /> knew the speed limit when they moved in to the neighborhood. <br /> Paul Romanowski, 2195 Acorn Road <br /> Mr. Romanowski opined that from his perspective, the 40 mph speed limit was a <br /> handicap, as many times vehicles coming off Cleveland and traveling west on <br /> County Road B cause him to use extreme caution. Mr. Romanowski questioned <br /> the haste needed for preferring the current 40 mph versus the proposed 30 mph. <br /> David Nelson, 2280 W Highway 36 <br /> Mr. Nelson spoke in support of reducing the speed limit in this residential neigh- <br /> borhood with cross traffic and the walkway on the other side of the street with <br /> senior citizens and children having to make that crossing and not always as aware <br /> as they should be. <br /> Mary Bachhuber,2223 Marion Road <br /> As a four-year resident and daily walker on that road, Ms. Bachhuber opined hat <br /> 40 mph had been a problem for her personally. Even though residents treat each <br /> other well and try to move over when seeing a walker, Ms. Bachhuber noted that <br /> the school bus stop was on County Road B and Acorn and St. Stephens, and chil- <br /> dren would need to cross and should be able to do so safely. Ms. Bachhuber <br /> spoke in support of the 30 mph speed and asked the City Council to vote accord- <br /> ingly. <br /> Mayor Roe closed public comment at approximately 7:08 p.m. for Council con- <br /> sideration. <br /> McGehee moved, Etten seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 11171 (Attachment <br /> A) entitled, "Declare County Road B to be an Urban District from the Western <br /> Terminus to Cleveland Avenue and Establishing the Statutory Speed Limit of 30 <br /> Miles Per Hour." <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted her residence on a busy street also with homes <br /> only on one side of the street, but still creating a dangerous proposition to cross <br /> that street. Councilmember McGehee stated that she would support the 30 mph <br /> for a residential street in a residential neighborhood with the sidewalk located on <br /> the other side of the street from residential homes; opining that it was appropriate <br /> for the City to make these changes now. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted that, over the last year or more as part of the <br /> sidewalk installation discussion, speed issues had been brought forward; and most <br /> recently over the past summer the vast majority of public testimony had wanted <br /> the speed reduced along County Road B. Councilmember Willmus recognized, <br /> for those residents living on side streets adjacent to County Road B, they would <br />