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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 25,2014 <br /> Page 17 <br /> a large fluctuation. However, Mayor Roe noted that when initiating such a bond- <br /> ing program the City would not have that same advantage. <br /> Specific to prioritization, Mayor Roe opined that the key aspect would be to look <br /> at the plan over the next twenty years to ensure everything was included that <br /> needed to be, and that those items included were appropriately timed, which re- <br /> quired staff to keep the plan up-to-date and valued in current dollars to the great- <br /> est extent possible. However, Mayor Roe observed that the City Council also had <br /> to weigh in using those same basic assumptions, even when the reality may con- <br /> tradict some of those initial assumptions. <br /> Councilmember Etten sought clarification on the pathway maintenance item as <br /> part of the CIP budget and projected annual maintenance based on the recommen- <br /> dations of the CIP Task Force at the end of 2012. However, with additional assets <br /> not part of that recommendation, Councilmember Etten asked if those increases <br /> had been addressed, since the community survey indicated the strong interest by <br /> the community, with the need for the City to ensure they were adequately funded. <br /> Finance Director Miller advised that, at the onset, the City Council could expect <br /> changes on the CIP budget annually based on many different things, including the <br /> cost of input and as new technologies and costs become known, the CIP should <br /> change annually. In his review of the CIP needs as identified by the Public Works <br /> and Parks & Recreation staff, Mr. Miller opined that it didn't appear that an addi- <br /> tional $80,000 amount of funding infused for 2015 was needed, but the proposed <br /> amount should be sufficient. However, Mr. Miller noted that this could and <br /> should be revisited in the future to determine if that assumption held true. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Etten, Finance Director Miller clarified that <br /> while he reviews the CIP needs of each department overall, the annual asset re- <br /> placement need forecast was done by each department and updated accordingly. <br /> Mayor Roe asked that staff double-check their projections, noting that sometimes <br /> the recommendation didn't jive with their current situations and may not apply to <br /> the entire differential. <br /> While recognizing that it was great to continually review the numbers before tak- <br /> ing action, Councilmember Etten supported the determinations made by individu- <br /> al departments. <br /> Recognizing that last year the CIP was funded with the one-time local govern- <br /> ment aid(LGA) allotment from the State of MN, Councilmember Etten asked that <br /> Mr. Miler address how to fund the additional CIP needs for general facilities and <br /> information technology (IT), even though absent a chart of IT needs was not in- <br /> cluded, in absence of that resource. <br />