Laserfiche WebLink
<br />, '-', -' <br /> <br />. ~', : ~,I <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />. ;~ - \. <br /> <br />,', <br /> <br />.' , <br /> <br />", <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />., " <br /> <br />'. T <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />'" <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />" " <br /> <br />, :..... <br /> <br />, ' <br /> <br />'i, <br /> <br />. " <br /> <br />'~ . <br /> <br />, ~s-:~:" '(: ~" .::', 0' --: <br />.' ", V <br />' , , <br />, " . , <br />, . <br />. . <br /> <br />,o' " <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />, " <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />- " <br /> <br />'. ~ < <br /> <br />",- , <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />. ';'" ,.' ~ <br /> <br />~', v .: <br /> <br />, " <br /> <br />':. .~,. '$fJf<~' <br />"."~M,, <br />,..,...-~.'--- <br />" . '. . , ~ <br /> <br /> <br />" . <br /> <br />, . -.... <br /> <br />~',. , <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />" ,,' <br /> <br />, ' <br /> <br />TO:' -- CiiY ofMinneapoli~.(Chusk.Ballat~ne),:' <br />" City ofSt,AilthoI1Y' (Mike, M"omsqp) , ',., <br />City ofF~icon Heights. (Heather'W orthington), <br />~:'City of Lauderdale (Rick,Getscbow):, ",.., <br />City of st., I>au1'{Briim Swee~ey.)) , ~, <br />'.f ,'. ... - . . '. . <br />. ,'~ " ~ :' - , ' , --..., " ~, " <br /> <br />~e: .': .: City of Roseville C~mprehe~sive Plan 1999 S.ubmissi~~ t,o Metropolitan Council' ' , <br /> <br />. City ofI:Aapt~wood (Melil1da C,ol~man) <br />Ci,ty of Little Canada' (joe! J:Ianson) <br />City of Shoreview (Tom Simonson) , <br />City of A-rden Hills (Je'nnifer <;:hilPut) , <br />'City:?r'N:ew Brightori (K,evin'Locke)' <br /> <br />, , ' <br /> <br />" ';, <br /> <br />, .- <br /> <br />, ' , <br />'I5ate~,-M~y 19,'2000' <br /> <br />, ' <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />-,;' <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />, ~, c <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />- ," I' '. ~ - '.' ': ' .' t' '.. ~ .' ,'~ '. '. '. " , ; "'" .. "' -' . \ .'.... ..'... , <br />The City otRosevjlle has updated its ComprehensivePlan a,nnually. and,submitsa copy to the . <br />" 'Metrop<?lit~n ,C04ncil for review: No: ~tia~iigestoth~ Pla,n'sgQals;policies'and policypHu~s .- <br />: have been made,' When'changes hav~:~eeii:proposed in the past;Rosevillestaff have J:Uet with. ' <br />. . you, or your~st,iff t()e~plain, A CD copy ,of!he :Plan is' atta'ched for yourfi~es'. The ,Plan has its <br />, own' ~'search engine":to help you find relevant sectio'ns., .' " .' <br /> <br />A~ YO~lrn6~, th~" ,~ity ~id~~m~ietely~pdat~ itsCo~p;~h~~~ive' Pla~ .in' $~~te~~er of ~ 99~. . A' , ", <br />copy' of that 'documeiit was,s~nt to:y~:mr.c6rhmunity.'for reyie:v'and Cb~Inent. - Sinc,li that datethe'. <br />,'Cityhas',made,a,- comrnitqtent. to keep,the Pla,n, current!nnyo ways:, first,..,during ,th~ .year, J1,earings. . <br />: .... and decisions are made 'on e(lch project which niayreq-Uii-e changes 'in, C()mprehe~sive Flail" <br />. des'ignations; second, the City' imnilally'holds Novembet'~md"Jjeceiribet seeking ':,', " <br />, "public input rygarolng.thlPlan': :I~t January; the Plirming.CommissiOl1' an-~ City' Co~ncil,amluai1y .. <br />" ',ado'pt ap affirmatio~ resolution ~ft~e changes tl-om',the previc;ms year arid include them'1n the '-. , <br />, official docum'ent and change 'the official maps. ' .. '" " , . ., ' <br />, ' ':', ' '.' '. > <br /> <br />.. .' .'. . '.l- ~ '.: , " ,; , .... .r . ,'.. - t . _ . " '. . <br />A hjsto!'Y of these affirmed ch,<l;nges}.s ihcluded'iri the Comprehensiye'Plan Am~ndments Chart a~' <br />the front of Boo!<".1. Like nios~ c6miminitie~, when RoseYiUe.adopted its'1994 ~lan,~t set fo~h ,a, <br />serie~ of. implement~tion strategiesJor t~e poming yeats, nowlocateslin Book 2. , ' ' , <br />~ . . - . ,. _ , . ~ . J' . <br /> <br />" ~o~a; Metr~poJifa~ COUhci'I's~afi'r~'view 'ofthe Ro~e\dli~plan w;~ done'l:as; on .D~cerriber 14",:' <br />,1998 for the 19.98 Plan; Fore,casts ,6f:ye~lf:i020 p()pulat~6ri, hQusing' ,e01ploynieilt, 'TAzs, ,.'. ,'-, ' .. <br />, ,sanitary sew6rproJectiof!sanct an il)ter~I!l' strategy' foi-surface water~,!n'agef!1enf were, requested:.. <br />, . . - ...., . ,~ "'" <br /> <br />. , <br /> <br />" ' <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />- . - ..' "..... ." I .. , . ~', . >' ~. . <br />.Tl)is yea~, th~ ,qty <?:f R,osevill6 will submittwo..vpl.ume~ and several: GD ,to the:" , <br />: " Metropo~itan Gouncit.Tl1e Cnversion,~osts 'ess tl1an ,$ reproduce? ~hile the paper copies, <br />are estimated to, cosf<),v~r-$500',do in time all9 materiak ',' ' '" ,:', ,- <br /> <br />:' ~ ." "f ~~ ~ '. , <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />:' <br /> <br />. , <br /> <br />,-' <t- <br />. k ,.,' ''''.'' ",. '.. -, ,- ", . 1 <br />I f you have, question~ 'reg~rQing' the 'submissions,'piease feel free toc'ontact me. ,.' <br />, , " - -"1" -' -. . ." ,.', .,' <br /> <br />", ' <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />.". Sincer~ly" . '. '.' : '. : ,'..' .. :' '. <br /> <br />',~M~'"~, <br />, Denrisp. 'We'l~ch (65'1.:496:2,232) <br />Cow.m~njty De.velqpm'eI)fDirector, ' <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />I." <br /> <br />" " <br /> <br />, .--":- <br />'- ' ' <br /> <br />-. '" <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />- , <br /> <br />'.- <br /> <br />. . " <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />~" r, <br /> <br />/. < '.. <br /> <br />. .' ~ <br /> <br />", <br /> <br />/, <br />, , <br />. '," " -, ,,. " - , ". -' . <br />, \ \ Victoria\C9mmDev\Coinrirhen~ive1~la~\titiesSubmit_99Plan,doc,' <br /> <br />-. ~ ! <br /> <br />, ' <br /> <br />,< <br /> <br />-", .: '.. ,. ...... " . <br />. .~ - , " ,,' :, - - ,c .- ., ,t <br />~669 C'ivk Ce~t~~ Drive-:'-'Rose~lle, -:;'lV1iniui~ota :~i-55113: :, <br />. 651;:490.-2200-:- 'TDD 651-490-2207, , <br /> <br />"4 l <br /> <br />" , <br /> <br />.', ~' <br /> <br />.-. , <br /> <br />',-,. ... <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />. .' ~ <br /> <br />. ,.' <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />.' , <br /> <br />. :.: <br /> <br />'. . . -' .'. <br /> <br />. ..~. <br /> <br />. ' <br /> <br />1'-"" <br /> <br />-,' ' <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />,.;.. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />..:, ... '.{ '.' <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />. ~ I <br />