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<br />.- <br /> <br />03/26/99 11:26 RYRN COMPRNIES ~ 6124902931 <br />817 352 2397 <br />Mtr. 25. 1999 4: 38PM BNSF LEGAL <br /> <br />NO.566 P003/004 <br /> <br />No. 7373 P. 2/3 <br /> <br />BNSF <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />SUAR WMm.EY B"u.JI'f <br />.vlli", Getteft11 Allontej <br /> <br />ne Bur1in(JtQa Nortbcra lad <br />Slltb Fe RailWay Compa",. <br /> <br />3017 Lau MIIIk Drive <br />Fon Wal1h. TCUI 16131.2830 <br />(117) ;Ul.23~ - Telephonc <br />(8'7) 3'Z-23~ - F.. <br />SIInIh. RDilif!/'211NSF .com <br /> <br />Marc:b 24. 1999 <br /> <br />~.JoelJ~eck <br />Counsel for City of Roseville, MN <br />VIA FAX 65 1-452-5550 <br /> <br />Re: The Burlington Northem aDd Santa Fe Railway Co. - Abaadoomellt <br />EIemptioll - III HellDepin and Ramsey Counties, !\IN; SYB Do~ket No AB-6 <br />(Sub-No. 381X) <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Jamnieck: <br /> <br />Pursuant to our conversation yesterday, I have 3.isembled some: imormation on the legal <br />effect of d1~ pending public use condition imposed in the referenced abandonment <br />docket. <br /> <br />By decision served December 29, 1998, the Surface Transportation Board ("STB" or <br />"Board") granted Minnesota DOT's request for imposition of a 180-day public use <br />condition, The r;ondition extends through June 28, 1999. It is my understanding the City <br />may have the impression that the pending condition bars the proposed sale of the <br />southerly 35 feet of a portion of the right-of-way to Triangle Warehouse for its <br />development project. A careful reading of the public use condition and some backgrolUld <br />on IC("JSTB n~gul8lion of railroad right-of-way should dispel this concern. <br /> <br />The Board has consistently ruled that under 49 U.S .C. Section 10906. it cannot compel a <br />carrier to sell a aine faT public pwposes. Its standard public use condition may only <br />require that tbe rail right-of-way remain intact to allow sufficient time for public use <br />negotiations. Georgia Sou,hwestern D;tI;sion, South Carolina Cent. RR. - Ab""donment <br />Exemption - In Dodge and Wi/cox Counties, GA, Docket No. AB-38S (Sub-No. IX) (slip <br />op,). 1996 STB LEXIS 31, pp. 10.11> served Feb. 2. 1996. Accordingly, the public use <br />condition cannot be used to compel BNSF to transfer my of the properties to anypublie <br />(ot' private, for that matter) entity for any teasOn. <br /> <br />In addition. the proposed sale of the outer section of the right-or"way not used in current <br />fTeight operations is consisteDt with the letter and spirit of the Board'~ order and its <br />precedent concerning surplus right-of-way. Therefore, notwitb.standing the pending <br /> <br /><l{)-"/ ",0\ <br />