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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
9/18/2014 4:03:40 PM
Creation date
9/18/2014 4:00:32 PM
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Public Works Commission
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540 Member Cihacek asked that each of those monthly agendas provide a standing <br />541 agenda item to explore the City's role as a host solar site, including determining <br />542 applicable public buildings, and financial models; and whether or not to move <br />543 forward with a recommendation to the City Council. <br />544 <br />545 At first, Member Seigler offered a friendly amendment to the motion that <br />546 financials also be part of that discussion as public information and due diligence <br />547 transparent in the discussions, in order for the PWETC and public to fully <br />548 understand current energy costs and potential savings available. <br />549 <br />550 Member Cihacek clarified that this financial information would include current <br />551 utilities spread sheets for usage and costs across the City Hall campus. <br />552 <br />553 Mr. Schwartz advised that to provide that information, it would require a financial <br />554 partner, which shouldn't be problematic, but clarified that staff did not have the <br />555 expertise to calculate that data, but Metro CERTs could help steer staff in the <br />556 right direction and where to find resources. <br />557 <br />558 Mr. Ross concurred with Mr. Schwartz' observations. <br />559 <br />560 Under those circumstances, Chair Stenlund suggested this be handled as a request <br />561 for information to staff from the PWETC versus being made part of the motion. <br />562 <br />563 Ayes:5 <br />564 Nays:0 <br />565 Motion carried. <br />566 <br />567 Ms. Barsel noted some individual Councilmembers were very interested in this <br />568 prospect and community solar on public buildings, so suggested the PWETC <br />569 already had some support and should capitalize on that support. Ms. Barsel <br />570 suggested, moving forward, that it would be informative to have an assessment on <br />571 what size project the PWETC was considering to determine which municipal <br />572 building would serve best, or which other site may be appropriate, as well as <br />573 analyzing roof structures as part of that consideration. If that information, <br />574 including the number of KW was available, Ms. Barsel opined it would help the <br />575 financing information make more sense, rather than being overwhelming, and <br />576 help determine which program to go after if inside or outside those parameters. <br />577 <br />578 Chair Stenlund opined he would prefer to stay within the range of 20 KW as a <br />579 minimum. <br />580 <br />581 Mr. Schwartz advised that Mr. Johnson looked up the City Hall building, and the <br />582 consumption for just this building was approximately 77 KW. <br />583 <br />584 Chair Stenlund suggested a system such as that installed on the Minneapolis fire <br />585 station as a minimum to consider comparable numbers. <br />Page 13 of 15 <br />
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