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http://greenstep.pca.state. m n. us/bestPracticesDeta il.cfm?bpnum=25 <br />26. Renewable Energy <br />Optional BP <br />(1) Adopt solar energy standards or a wind energy ordinance that allows or encourages <br />appropriate renewable energy installations. <br />Completed <br />If implementing this BP, complete <br />at least TWO actions. <br />(2) Consistently promote at least one of the following means of increasing renewable generation: <br />a. A local utility's green power purchasing program that allows residents/businesses to <br />order/buy new renewable energy. <br />b. Local, state and federal financial incentives for property owners to install renewable <br />energy systems. <br />(3) Create/participate in a renewable energy financing program such as PACE for commercial <br />property owners to install generation capacity/energy efficiency equipment. <br />(4) Support or create a program that enables property owners to participate in a community <br />renewable energy project. <br />(5) Install a public sector/municipally owned renewable energy technology, such as solar electric <br />(PV), solar hot water or hot air, micro-hydro or wind. <br />(6) Enable a new or demonstrate prior collaboration for installed private sector renewable energy/ <br />energy efficient generation capacity with at least one of the following attributes: <br />a. Fueled by flowing water, wind, or biogas. <br />b. Fueled in part or whole by manure or woody biomass, optimized for minimal air and <br />other environmental impacts and for energy efficiency and water conservation. <br />C. Distributing heating/cooling services in a district energy system. <br />d. Producing combined heat and power. <br />(7) Create an expedited permit process for residents and businesses to install solar energy <br />systems. <br />, <br />27. Local Food <br />Optional BP <br />(1) Incorporate working landscapes - agriculture and forestry - into the city by adopting an <br />ordinance for one of more of the following: <br />If implementing this BP, complete <br />at least ONE action. <br />a. An agriculture and forest protection district. <br />b. A local food production district <br />C. Performance standards for minor and major agricultural retail. <br />(2) Facilitate the creation of home/community gardens, chicken & bee keeping, and incorporation <br />of food growing areas/access in multifamily residential developments.. <br />Completed <br />(3) Inventory and promote local food production/distribution within the city: <br />a. A farmer's market. <br />b. An urban agriculture business or a community-supported agriculture (CSA) arrangement <br />between farmers and community members/employees. <br />C. A community or school garden, orchard or forest. <br />