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<br /> <br />Cb. 26 <br /> <br />LAWS of MINNESOTA for 1991 <br /> <br />48 <br /> <br />~ Qill: year of the execution of the alU'eement. The park ~ shall provide <br />1! resident of ~ manufactured home with 1! 45-dav ~ notice of the pur- <br />chaser's intent to close the park Q!: convert i.! ~ another ~ The notice ~ <br />~ that the park ~ will provide information .Q!! the cash price and the <br />~ and conditions of the purchaser's offer ~ residents reQuesting the infor- <br />mation. The notice must be ~ ~ first class mail ~ ! resident of ~ ~ <br />factured home in ~ park. The notice period ~ .Q!! the postmark date <br />affixed ~ the notice !ill! ends 45 days after 11 begins. During the notice period <br />reQuired in this subdivision. the ~ of !!! least ~ percent of the manufac- <br />tured homes in the Dark Q!: 1! nonDrofit ol'Ranization which has the written Der- <br />mission of the ~ of !!! least ~ oercent of the manufactured homes in the <br />Dark !Q reDresent them in the aCQuisition of the park shall have ~ right !Q ~ <br />the cash Drice and ~ 1!!! alU'eement to Durchase the park for the purposes of <br />keeping the Dark ~ 1! manufactured housing community. The Dark owner ~ <br />acceDt the offer !f 11 ~ the cash Drice and the ~ ~ and conditions ~ <br />forth in the Durchaser's offer except that the seller ~ !!Q! obligated to Drovide <br />~ financing. For Durposes 2f this section. cash Drice ~ the cash price <br />offer Q!: eQuivalent cash offer.~ defined in section 500.24. subdivision ~ Dara- <br />8!!Qh @. <br /> <br />Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1990, section 327C.095, is amended by adding a <br />subdivision to read: <br /> <br />Subd. 7. INTENT TO CONVERT USE OF PARK AFTER PURCHASE. If <br />the Durcha-;r of 1! manufactured home park decides !Q ~ the park to <br />another use within ~ year after the purchase of the park. the purchaser ~ <br />offer the park for purchase ~ the residents of the park. For purposes of this sub- <br />division. the date of purchase ~ the date of the transfer 2f the title !Q the pur- <br />chaser. The purchaser must provide 1! resident of each manufactured home with <br />1! written notice of the intent ~ close the park !ill! all of the ~ of !!! ~ <br />~ percent of the manufactured ~ in the park Q!: ! nonprofit organization <br />which has the written permission of the ~ of !!! least .2! oercent 2f the <br />manufactured homes in the park to represent them in the aCQuisition of the park <br />shall have 45 days to execute 1!!! alU'eement for the purchase of the park!!!! ~ <br />Drice eQual ~ ~ original purchase price paid !!y the purchaser Dlus !mY !!29!: <br />mented expenses relating !Q the aCQuisition and imDrovement of ~ park I!!QI!: <br />erty. together with !ID: increase in value due to aDDreciation of the Dark. The <br />Durchaser must ~ the Durchase agreement at the Drice specified in this sub- <br />division and ~ the cash Drice within 90 dayS of the date of the Durchase ~ <br />~ lli notice ~ ~ ~ !!y first class mail ~ ! resident of each manufac- <br />tured home in the park. The notice period begins .Q!! the postmark ~ affixed <br />~ the notice and ends 45 dayS after !! begins. <br /> <br />Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1990, section 327C.095, is amended by adding a <br />. subdivision to read: <br /> <br />Subd. ~ REQUIRED FILING OF NOTICE. Subdivisions & and 1 !m!!:i ~ <br />manufactured home. Darks uDon which notice has been filed with the county <br /> <br />New language is indicated by underline. deletions by ~. <br />