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<br />1.10 In the Kadrie case, 15% of the existing setback distance is 5.55 feet closer to the water for a deck <br />setback of 31.45 feet. (The addition and the deck variance approved in 1993 allowed <br />improvements to a point 26 feet, 6 inches from the shoreline. The nine (9) feet four (4) inch <br />extended deck originally proposed by Mr. Kadrie would reduce the setback from the original lake <br />shoreland to approximately 16 feet.) If granted, a variance for a three (3) foot wide maintenance <br />deck extension would reduce the setback to 23 feet 6 inches from the original shoreline. <br /> <br />2.0 REVIEW of REQUEST: <br /> <br />2.1 State statutes and the City Code state that to approve a variance there must be a physical hardship <br />unique to the site not created by the applicant; the situation is not correctable by reasonable <br />alternative designs; and the variance cannot be based solely on economic issues. <br /> <br />2.2 Mr. Kadrie is requesting a variance from Section 1016.22C of the City Code to reduce the required <br />structure (the deck) setback from the shoreline from 75 feet to approximately 23 feet 6 inches from <br />the original damaged shoreline, or 29'6" feet from the repaired shoreline. This represents a variance <br />of 51'6" from the original shoreline. If granted, Mr. Kadrie would be able to retain 3 feet of the original <br />deck extension currently installed on the lakeward side of the kitchen addition. (See the attached <br />diagrams.) <br /> <br />2.3 Staff suggests that Mr. Kadrie does have an alternative which allows existing decks on either side <br />of the kitchen to remain and still be set back at the same distance (26'-6") from the damaged <br />shoreline. These existing decks can also have stairways to exit from the upper level to the at- <br />grade patio. Mr. Kadrie requests 3 feet of deck maintenance area to maintain the existing 14 to <br />16 foot high glass wall along the lake face of the structure. <br /> <br />Requirement <br /> <br />Proposal from original <br />shoreline <br />Deck 23 feet 6 inches from <br />original shoreline (29 feet, 6 <br />inches from repaired shoreline) <br />Kitchen wall at 26 feet 6 inches <br />to remain. <br /> <br />Variance from original <br />shoreline <br />51 feet, 6 inches <br /> <br />Minimum shoreline structure <br />setback = 75 feet <br /> <br />Allowed by 1993 variance - <br />26 feet, 6 inches - from <br />eroded shoreline for kitchen <br />and deck <br /> <br />No further variance. <br /> <br />2.4 Mr. Kadrie owns the parcel located at 1281 Josephine Road. The property is zoned R-1, <br />Single Family Residential, and is in a Shoreland Zone, and the Comprehensive Plan <br />identifies the property as Low Density Residential. All adjacent land uses are single <br />family residential. The parcel is over 25,000 square feet in area, with 122.7 feet of <br />frontage and 277 feet of depth, and 89.9 feet oflakeshore. <br /> <br />RCA (102599).docPage 3 of6 <br />