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<br />For three (3) years from the date of this Agreement, no amendments to the CITY'S Comprehensive <br />Guide Plan or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, site layout, or <br />dedication requirements of the land included within the Planned Unit Development unless required <br />by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the CITY and the DEVELOPER. For any <br />improvements proposed thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, the <br />CITY may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan, <br />official controls, platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Contract. <br /> <br />4.0 Approval by the CITY <br /> <br />In approving the final development plan for the PUD for the DEVELOPER, the CITY hereby <br />incorporates the following exhibits. The DEVELOPER shall develop the subject property as <br />described or shown in these exhibits, If the exhibits vary from the written terms of this Agreement, <br />the written terms shall control. In the event the exhibits address items not specifically addressed in <br />this agreement, the exhibits shall govern with respect to those items:. The exhibits as approved by <br />the City Council on , 1999, or as amended thereafter, shall include: <br /> <br />a. Certificate of Survey of the property lines and including the proposed structure <br />footprint, proposed structure first floor elevation, parking and drive lane areas, <br />and building approved setbacks, dated: <br />b. Utility, grading and drainage plan illustrating existing grades and those proposed <br />after completion of the proposed construction, drainage directions, spot <br />elevations, catch basins for surface water catchment and existing and proposed <br />utilities, dated: <br />c, Complete Landscape Plan (including fence specifications and location) with <br />materials list, sizes, and locations of all plant materials dated: <br />d. Building elevations, all floor plans with all dimensions; and, building materials <br />identified on the building plans dated: <br />e. Site plan indication all existing and proposed paved parking spaces, parking <br />curbs, loading areas, sidewalks, and future expansion and/or proof of parking <br />spaces, dated: <br />f. Development schedule with installation dates of improvements, including <br />beginning date, grading, footings, building construction, paving, landscaping, and <br />anticipated occupancy date, dated: <br />g. Signage plan illustrating all signage areas to be located on the building and the <br />location and design details for the freestanding monument sign, <br />dated: <br />h. Boulevard (street) and parking lot lighting plans which include specifications <br />and/or height and type of light, dated: <br /> <br />2 <br />