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<br />City of Roseville <br />PUD Amendment Application <br />Northwestern College Radio Network Media Center & Presbyterian Homes and Services <br /> <br />Site Plan <br />The new facility to house Northwestern College Radio and Presbyterian Homes will be on the site <br />bounded by Lydia Avenue on the north, Snelling Avenue on the east and Lincoln Drive along its <br />southwest border. It is roughly a triangular site with an existing Northwestern College residence <br />hall in its northwest corner, a vacated service station in its northeast corner and a parking lot on <br />the remainder of the site. A retention pond is located at the southern most tip of the property, and <br />it was designed with the original PUD in 1993, In response to that PUD, the residence hall will <br />stay, the new office building will occupy the northeast comer of the property and a new surface <br />parking lot with a one-story parking deck will situate south of the two buildings. The retention <br />pond will remain unaltered. The residence hall has existing entrances on the north and south <br />sides of the building, The new office building will have its main entrance on the south side <br />relating to the parking facilities and favorable winter sun. All vehicles will enter the site from <br />Lincoln Drive (approximately 160 feet south of Lydia) so that traffic patterns on Snelling and <br />Lydia will be minimally impacted. The surface parking lot will accommodate 122 cars and the <br />parking deck will hold 82, The ramp from grade to the parking deck will be placed on the <br />southwest side of the deck, along Lincoln Drive. <br /> <br />Landscape Plan <br />The existing site is generally flat with a gentle rise in the parking lot going from Lincoln Drive to <br />a ridge along the northeast edge of the lot. Deciduous and coniferous trees exist along Lincoln <br />Drive, and a line of mature conifers occurs along Snelling and the Lydia/Snelling intersection. <br />Site grading and the new construction will allow most of the trees to remain with the new <br />plantings interspersed among the existing. Smaller deciduous trees will be planted along Lincoln <br />near the residence hall to screen the parking lot from the neighboring apartments. Existing low <br />bushes and trees around the residence hall will be retained and enhanced with new plantings, <br />Deciduous trees will be planted on the north and east sides of the office building to soften its <br />surfaces and relate to the trees along Lincoln. The existing conifers on Snelling will also be <br />added to so the presence of the parking deck can be diminished. Two or three flowering <br />deciduous will be planted in the small plaza at the entrance to the office building. Concrete <br />sidewalks will run from the northwest comer of the site to the two entrances of the residence hall <br />