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<br />)-,;.~ '" <br /> <br />, .r'. _ ,.. ' <br />. r ' ...., <br />'t' ' "t <br />\' <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />rtfJ. ~ '/fN. i } <br /> <br />April 17, 1981 <br /> <br />TO: City Council <br />FROM: Jim Andre ~ . <br />SUBJECT: Non-confo~ming Signs <br /> <br />The Code Enforcement dvision has completed an inventory of the <br />non-conforming signs in the City. The inventory was developed through <br />field investigation. Signs for which variances had been granted were <br />removed from the inventory. The non-conforming signs were broken out <br />into the following classifications: <br /> <br />1. Size - the size of the sign exceeds the limits provided for <br />in the City Code. <br /> <br />2. Setback - the setback of the sign from the property line is <br />less than that required by the Code. <br /> <br />3. Painted signs - signs which are painted on the wall of a building <br />which is prohibited by the Code. <br /> <br />4. Projecting Signs - signs which are located on the face of the <br />building and project farther than the 18 inches permitted by <br />Code. <br /> <br />5. Roof signs - signs located on the roof which are prohibited by <br />the Code. <br /> <br />6. Billboards (Advertising Signs) - signs directing attention to a <br />business or commodity sold or offered upon premises other than <br />where the sign is located. Billboards are prohibited by the Code. <br /> <br />The following chart shows the number of non-conforming signs in the <br />various zoning districts: <br />Zoning Painted Proj ecting Roof Bi 11 <br />District Size Setback Signs Sians Signs Boards <br /> v <br />Apa rtmen ts 1 5 1 91 <br />Business 3 10 4 8 30 2 <br />Shopp i ng Ce nte r 2 1 1 512 2 <br />Industrial 7 4 3 6 8 <br /> <br />1-5 of these 9 billboards are located on R-l zoned property <br />2-7 of these roof signs are located on the strip center west of Jerry's <br />Foods, 19 on the Hamline Center and 22 on the Rose Center <br />