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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
9/24/2014 1:53:16 PM
Creation date
9/24/2014 1:53:07 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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Member Seigler opined it may be more advantageous to be a subscriber. <br /> Member Cihacek opined a host partner and subscriber would also be an <br /> advantage, allowing the City to finance a system indirectly to receive a benefit. <br /> At the request of Mr. Schwartz, Mr. Ross confirmed that the community solar <br /> option has been in operation long enough that developers could come in and talk <br /> about known tariff rates, financing and payback terms based on their income <br /> streams or subscriber income streams, based on their performance. However, Mr. <br /> Ross cautioned that those developers each had their own confidential business <br /> model, and they were competitive in nature. Mr. Ross advised that those multiple <br /> developers and host firms could also be invited to bid. However, Mr. Ross opined <br /> that the challenge would be for the City to be able to develop a template or <br /> pathway to follow in the public realm for the best transparency. <br /> Member Cihacek suggested the next step should be for the PWETC to develop <br /> such a conceptual model, from three different perspectives or roles: as a host, a <br /> host subscriber, or financier and focus conversation on what was needed to <br /> accomplish any or all of those roles. <br /> Chair Stenlund suggested that analysis would allow review of code language or <br /> processes to determine if something or anything was missing that could be readily <br /> identified. <br /> Member Cihacek clarified that the three roles have a review of what framework <br /> was needed for the City Council or advisory commissions to work on, opining <br /> that this was a time sensitive issue and dynamic to move quickly to provide one or <br /> the other argument for the best role for the City to pursue. <br /> Member Seigler asked if the City was in favor of owning solar assets. <br /> Mr. Schwartz clarified that that is at the discretion of the City Council; but from <br /> staff s perspective, in-house staff did not have the expertise or ability to manage a <br /> power generation business model. However, Mr. Schwartz noted that the City did <br /> have a significant number and volume of rooftops, and at this time, staff was <br /> supportive of the City providing that space, with others managing the solar <br /> systems or being responsible for them. If there are dollars available for leasing <br /> those spaces and creating a revenue stream, Mr. Schwartz advised that staff was <br /> supportive of that. <br /> Member Cihacek moved, Member Seigler seconded, for the purposes of <br /> discussion over the next three months, consideration be given for the City to <br /> consider serving as a host solar site; and for those discussions to explore what that <br /> means to be a host or host for a community solar system. <br /> Page 12 of 15 <br />
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