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<br />3.3 In conjunction with the application for concept development plan approval, the following <br />documents have been submitted and reviewed by staff in preparation of this report: <br /> <br />a. Concept site plan (03109/00) <br />b. Letters of Support from Family Academy (03/09/00) <br />c. Other background/Applications <br /> <br />3.4 A complete package of existing plans and proposals for utility, lighting, paving, grading, <br />site, landscape, signage, and drainage improvements or changes must be submitted to and <br />approved by the City prior to a decision on the final development plan. The applicant <br />must include in the final documents of the PUD, the methods and annual stages of <br />improvements (up to 3 annual stages year 2000,2001, and 2002) by which the site will be <br />brought into compliance with the current City Code, especially regarding paving <br />corrections and improvements, traffic improvements for the school areas and safety drop- <br />off zones for children, lighting meeting current downcast standards, landscaping, <br />screening of trash and rooftop HV AC, signage updates. To implement these exterior <br />changes, the applicant may wish to request approval of a Special Services Business <br />District, wherein the owner of the property and the City of Roseville agree on a <br />redevelopment and improvement program, with the added cost and interest attached to <br />the property taxes over a 1 O-year period. <br /> <br />3.5 Uses such as schools, day care, churches, bingo operations should be considered as <br />conditional uses within the new site-specific B-PUD zone because of their focus on <br />children or the assembly, parking, and hours of operation issues. Those proposed or <br />existing at the time of this application should be included in the PUD as conditional uses <br />with any specific conditions written directly into the final B-PUD agreement. Future <br />proposals for such uses should be treated as conditional uses, requiring a separate hearing <br />and approval. If the concept for this PUD is approved, language describing this CUP <br />process will be included in the final document. <br /> <br />3.6 Because none of the K-8 students will have vehicles, off-street parking space for <br />employee, teachers, parents and visitors is sufficient; in fact it is less demanding on space <br />both during the day and in evening hours than previous retailers in this location. The <br />church uses also share off-peak hours in the evening and on Sundays, with no apparent <br />parking capacity issues. The charitable gaming operation is an unknown at this time i~ <br />terms of customers and hours of use but previous operations have been from 6 to 11 pm. <br />with parking needs of approximately 120 to 150 spaces. There appears to be ample <br />evening parking space for this use, too. <br /> <br />3.7 If the Concept plan were approved, the PUD would be written to allow an underlying <br />zoning of B-2, General Retail, listing all permitted and conditional uses, and with certain <br />site development restrictions. <br /> <br />3.8 The project as proposed is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the City's <br /> <br />PF3199 - RPCA (04/12/00) - Page 4 of 5 <br />