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<br />8. <br /> <br />Present Zoning of Property: <br />Proposed Zoning of Property: <br /> <br />s~\) . "'Art""') ch,h <br /> <br />9. Present Comprehensive Plan Designation: <br />Proposed Comprehensive Plan Designation: ~I,,>D <br /> <br />10. Wha ylan.,.pr cha,{,lge m,akes this re~uest necessary? '=t>U'Q 1-c) cJr;~L,-,' .~ <br />, \ / ',- . :-:>. , () e, s".(:b , <br /> <br />11. <br /> <br />G <br /> <br />13. <br /> <br /> <br />For Rezoning and PUD: <br /> <br />A. <br /> <br />'T' ,:.J () ~~~'1~,5)/C'C'~"'(J <br />'J~~~ <br /> <br />Include a legal description and PIN for each existing property in different <br />zoning districts, If property is located within more than one zoning district, <br />a legal ~escription and PelN for all property ~ithin each zoning district must <br />be provided. 5't':'e Atfrtci-0J J <br /> <br />Include a legal description and PIN for the proposed development. If the <br />project will include property iocated in more than one zoning district, a <br />legal description and PIN for all property within each proposed zoning <br />district must also be provided. <br /> <br />B. <br /> <br />For Conditional Use Permit: <br /> <br />A. City Code section authorizing conditional use permit: <br /> <br />14. For Vacation of Right-at-Way: <br /> <br />A. A petition must be submitted signed by at least 51 % of the abutting <br />property owners. The original statement in the petition should be as <br />follows: "'We, the undersigned, owners of at least 51 % (fifty-one percent) <br />ot the property abutting (Applicant's address) request that this <br />section ot right-ot-way be vacated because it is no longer of value to the <br />general public." <br /> <br />All property owners signing the petition must print their name, address <br />and the legal description and PIN ot their property. <br /> <br />15. For Platting: <br /> <br />A. Number ot Lots: <br /> <br />B. Subdivision to be known as: <br /> <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />