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<br /> <br />Eslabllshed In 1962 <br /> <br />LOT SURVEYS CaMP ANY, INC. <br /> <br />LAND SURVEYORS <br />REGISTERED UNDER TilE LAWS OF STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />71101 73rd Anhue Nort.h 1I11I-1I1I0-30D3 <br />r.... No. 11110-31122 <br /> <br />Winne. palla. Wlnn...ot." 1111428 <br />~ur-\Jr!JO'r-s (lJrdifirttft <br /> <br />TIM HONIGSCHMIDT <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />Address: 1378 Sandhurst Drive <br /> <br /> <br />~AHD~U~1' <br /> <br />t7fZ\ V f::- <br /> <br />lA?tic..l <br />/J"~~ <br /> <br />--, c;, ()C.? <br /> <br />"f- <br />:m <br />I <br />I <br /> <br /> :1 <br /> cl <br /> -r:. <br />~.C;/, I <br />0 <br /> ,:: .s <br /> .- <br />I'" ':'> I <br /> " <br /> .,... (j, <br /> .;.... <br /> 1<<!:1 <br /> '" ~p I <br /> <br />--f. <br /> <br />n..O <br />IY~t.-~> n,i',,' <br />~- H-e t?fl~' <br /> <br />(, <br />~- <br /> <br />I <br />a <br /> <br />\1.0 ?.D <br />-~':'I\;) \.).' <br />77A;' <br /> <br />., <br />--- <br /> <br />fi\ <br />T <br /> <br />,-- <br />I 14 <br />[___J t\ ~ I <br />"\5'" :0' ~~-<J- 'I <br />~".. I"'; "" <br />IvoN ,.... 1c:7:;;;i <br />',"'."-:- - -I I <br />I , <br /> <br />( 1,,,,'Gi1"": . <br />'t I, <br />" ft <br />" <br /> <br /> <br />I <br />~~\1=""~ '>A~- - "', <br /> <br />--'''C. <br /> <br />-, s.. 00. <br /> <br />.- ---~_._-_.- <br /> <br />'\ <br /> <br />\D.c~ <br /> <br />c <br /> <br />lr <br /> <br />a" <br />r'! <br />U\ <br /> <br />INVOICE <br />r.B.NO, <br />SCALE: <br /> <br />NO. 54586 <br />840-31 <br />1" - 20' <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />....,,\'\ ,'y <br /> <br />,~ <br />I- <br />, , <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />/~ ff;u:1,\ <br /> <br />o Oanote. Iron MonIm..nt <br /> <br />o 0.0019. Wood Hlb S..t <br />lor ...cavollon only <br /> <br />"ooo.n Oenol... Exl.II"II EI."otlon <br /> <br />€V 09oot.. Propo...d EI..votlon <br /> <br />- Oenot.. 5....loc. Drolnag. <br /> <br />NOTE: PropolOd \Todol or. .ubJ.ct <br />to r.INt. of .0R t..te. <br />Prope..d buhdlnQ InlormoUon <br />muot b.. c'-'k..d with approv..d <br />building pion and d."elopm..nt or <br />\TodlnQ pi... belor. ...covaUon <br />and conatruoUon. <br /> <br />_Propo".d Top of Bock <br />_ Propo...d GarOQ9 floor <br /> <br />_Propo.ed Law..t noor <br /> <br />Typ.. or BuhdInQ <br /> <br />" <br />, <br /> <br />Lot 5, Block 2, WOEHRLES ADDITION, Ramsey County, Minnesota <br /> <br />Thft only fl'nfllftmenhll "hown or,", from plot" or record or InforrnuliorJ <br />p<ovldod by cll.nt. <br />Wn hPf"fthy certify Ihot thl" I~ 0 trtle oruJ correct reprA"p.ntotinn of <br />o !'Uf'V~Y of th", bt'mnrtorlftfl or 1"8 ohov" f1"jIt~rltH!td fond onrl (hI! <br />1;(~~tI:ftr "" huU,IInQ" ono vlnihl" 9ncroochrru,"I~. " nny. 'rom or 01'" <br /> <br />",orvny",I hV ". 'h;'~'1"y of October 19~ <br /> <br />,...wQ 1C~Q,.~ <br /> <br /> <br />Ch<o1~~ f. An<1~..on. I.I1m. R~q, No.2175J or <br />Gr~9"'"Y n. rrnoch, I.I1nn' R~9 N.... 24992 <br />