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<br />REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT CENTER IS A GO! <br /> <br />-- - <br /> <br />The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnfOOT) <br />and the Department of Public Safcty (DPS) will be breaking <br />ground this fall on a new Regional Transportation <br />Management Center (RTMC) forthe Minneapolis/St. Paul <br />Metro area. The RTMC will create a :;(ate-of-the-artopera- <br />tions center to provide regional transportation management <br />including integrated corridor traffic management, incident <br />management, traveler information, emergency dispatch and <br />other ITS services. State Patrol Dispa~ch, Mn/DOT Metro <br />Division Maintenance Dispatch, Free..vay Operations and <br />Traffic Engineering will integrate their.operations in the..... <br />RTMC to improve transportation management services \0 the <br />Metro region. <br /> <br />Building constr!.lction is scheduled to begin in October of .. <br />. 2000. The should be complete and operational in the. <br />Jail_of 2002. -- <br /> <br />The RTMC will be networked with other operations in the <br />region and state, creating a "shared environment." This will <br />allow other stakeholders not physically located in the RTMC <br />to work collaboratively through shared access to data in real- <br />time and through joint processes for traffic management, inci- <br />dent management and other key areas where efficiency and <br />improved services to the public can be provided. This project <br />supports Mn/DOT's vision to develop a coordinated trans- <br />portation system and its strategic plan to preserve, manage <br />and improve the state's highway system. . . <br /> <br />The existing TMC in. downtown Minneapolis was built in <br />1970 for freeway management. The 10,000 square foot facility . <br />no longer has the capacity to house the equipment and people <br />needed to fully deploy the traffic management system across <br />the metro area. According to Glen Carlson, TMC manager, <br />"We've also seen the value that an integrated approach to <br />ITS can bring. So rather than expanding the existing TMC, <br />we asked our regional partners in transportation management <br />to join with us in developing a shared vision, and a shared <br />operations center." <br /> <br /> <br />Thi" project started in 1996 when the TMC collaborated with <br />several of its regional partners to define the environment for traf- <br />fic management and public safety dispatch that will respond to <br />and anticipate public needs into the 21st century. Partners in this <br />effort included Mn/DOT, Department of Public Safety's State <br />Patrol and State Emergency Services, Metro Transit Dispatch and <br />sele.:ted Metropolitan counties and cities. <br /> <br />Thes.. pntities worked together to create the initial concept and <br />requirements for a "shared environment" and a new RTMC. The <br />shared environment will be created by networking many opera- <br />tions with the RTMC and creating a single virtual operation that <br />provides access to real-time information. Through the use of <br />information and jointly developed traffic and incident manage- <br />ment strategies, transportation efficiency and imprQved services <br />can be provided to the public. The shared environment is expect- <br />ed to expand beyond the boundaries of the metro area, and <br />include some statewide functions. <br /> <br />"The RTMC is going to improve our efficiency and effectiveness <br />in the detection, response and removHI of incidents that cause <br />more than half of the congestion on metro area freeways" states <br />Carlson. <br /> <br />The RTMC will be :+-5t5OQ sQ,lare ~'ffi~ buildi~ connected to <br />the Metro Division Headquarters fad ity in Roseville. It includes <br />a 10,000 square foot state-of-the-art ~rations center and inci- <br />8'"ent management room. The Operations Center will nouse 35 <br />workstations, which provides room for growth and the develop- <br />ment of new services <br /> <br />A 675 (;.uarf" (not tour rnoi1Us located above the operations cen- <br />ter wit a view into it. "We are working with the media so that <br />they can easily broadcast from the tour room without disruption <br />to the operations," according to Melanie Braun, Traveler <br />Information Supervisor. <br />~ \ <br /> <br />During emergencies or in case of a disaster, the RTMC will pro- <br />vide backup workstations an incident management room that is <br />part of the operations center. This will allow other agencies to <br />operate at the RTMC. including Metro Transit, and city and <br />county traffic operations. The facility also includes a shared super- <br />visor workspace on the operations floor for impromptu communi- <br />cation and decision-making during incidents. <br /> <br />"By co-locating the State Patrol and Mn/DOT operations units <br />into a single center, we will have more comprehensive and timely <br />traveler information. That will help people avoid congested areas <br />and minimize their travel time," says Maureen Jensen, RTMC <br />Project Manager. <br /> <br />Th~Oiect cost is $23.5 million. This includes $8 million ~ <br />for echno ogy in the center an~~; the traffiC manage- <br />ment fiber optic network. The bui . is estimated ~t1!.L <br />million. The remaining costs inc Ude esigtl, furniture an~ <br />ot ex nsion. <br /> <br />For.more information on this project contact: <br />Maureen Jensen RTMC Project Manager <br />Mn/OOT ' Metro Division <br /> <br />