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<br />~ <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />.- <br /> <br />CI\SE NU~\BER: <br />l\PPLICI\NT: <br /> <br />1286-80 <br />Evenson Properties <br /> <br />5 November 1980 <br />Page Two <br /> <br />the Blumbergs which consisted of two oUice lJuildi.ngs of 60,000 square <br />feet each to be constructed in two ph, four stories high. The site <br />plan for that proposal is attached entitled "\~atr.rsedge Office Building". <br />The var:iance allowing the office structure to be within 50 feet of the <br />shoreline was approved. In addition, the shoreline development plan was <br />appr::,,';c<1 as well as a development plan for the B-1B District and a variance <br />to 300 foot maximum parking distance from the structure. This proposal <br />was not opposed by the neighbors to the north, but was not constructed by <br />the Blumbergs due (a:- we understand it) t.o changing economic conditions. <br /> <br />3. The current applicant, who has purchased the land from the Blumbergs is <br />Terry Evenson who has development other office buildings in the ar..a, one <br />of which is in Shorevicw at their office address. The architects for the <br />current proposal \who also prepared the original proposal) arc Rafferty, <br />Rafferty, and Mikutowski. The architects and Mr. Evenson have met frequently <br />with the City staff in preparation for this proposal, and have been <br />ext'Ccmely cooperative in attempting to arrive at a high quality development, <br />taking into consideration the impact on the site, the lakeshore, and the <br />neighborhood as a whole. <br /> <br />^ttuched is a statement prepared by the nrchitect dated 10 October 1980 <br />which descri.bes th') basic criteria applied to the plan, and a general <br />description of the development. ^dded to this report is an 11 page booklet <br />containing reduced copies of the plan~: for YOllr consideration. In <br />adell.tion, the applic.:Ints have submitted i) traffic analysis prepared by <br />the planning and cnCjinccrinq firm of fJHW. which will be commented upon by <br />yOIJ'C staff. <br /> <br />4. The proposal consists of .:\120,000 squ~Le foot office building, four. <br />stories high, to be construct.cdinthc northerly portion of the site, <br />nearest the residential arca to the north. This building is proposed to <br />be set hilck 50 fect from the shoreline as Wits the last proposal approved <br />(in 197')}. ^""~"en".story hotel is proposed as the second phase, with the <br />.:Ilternative of it possibly being" an offi.ce building instead. This <br />bu1.1dinCj is loc.,ted r.o the far souther.]y porti.on of the site with the <br />buildi.l1g<;\.ng east i)nd W()"t, thus. projectinCj the ni1rrower side of the <br />hui.ldinq to t.he nOI:th (tow;'r.,l the r(~,:id(~nti.-..l '-'1:0.:\), This bIJi.l.dinq. as <br />'loU will note (rom the ".i t:r~ rJ.-.n, i,.-, 5uhstanti,-.11y f;(:t \),)ck (rom the lake, <br />and has i1 one story lobhy .-.nd Cjcnera 1 service,; .-.r.ea on t.he cast side of <br />the bui.ldin<J. The pi1r}; i nq t"amp wi l] b(~ const.ructed undr:r this area to <br />contribute to the tot,11 ,Ill(lc.-.tion of p.:lrkinlJ on the site of: 847 cars. <br />^ total of H20 C.I!"S ar.e rcquired 11'1 ()l',1in,-.nce ~;tar)(1.:1'Cds. <br /> <br />5. The srccifi.c site J....ta. !1'1\1,-'r.(' f()ot'''I(~. p.-.rkin') illloci1t.ion, "it.e cQveri1gc. <br />C\nc1 other infor.mation .is !'cll€"lulc(l in t.hC! I~xhihits attached. ^ storm <br />w,lter (lr.tention <"11"<),'" is pl.i1nn.~u (or the far n<.)rtllei1~terly cot:ner of this <br />site (the samc ....s th0 li\,-:!. pt"OJ>()S.']), You will note too that this corner <br />of the site is left<! so .'1~: 1:0 r(' the existinq tree qrowth <br />jn thilt ,'11."<'.-.. <br />