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<br />JUN 18 2001 09:09 FR UCARE <br />\::0., lR~.sCy\.. <br />L &S ~ Ho.VV\\I~ A-~ ~ . <br />ttO~\rll~ Y\1N s-.t'p3 <br />(res~rvBd far ~rtgag8 <br />~e9iBtry tax payment data) <br /> <br />612 676 6501 TO 96514902931 <br />- - --- --------.':11 --....-, <br /> <br />P.03/03 <br /> <br /> <br />Date I <br /> <br />. 19~ <br /> <br />~BIS CONTRACT FOR DEED iB made an the above date by Dian H. Fasse, a sinale ~erBon, <br />seller (whether one or more), and Gail R. Ander9on, PU4chaser (whether one or more). <br /> <br />Seller and Purchaser agree to the following terms I <br /> <br />PROPERTY D~SCRIP~ION. Seller bereby 8ells, an~ Purchaser hereby bUys, r9~l property <br />in RAmBe~ county, Minne8o~a, described as followsz <br /> <br />All of my right, title and intere~t in And to the West 158 faet of the <br />North 1/2 of the South 125 feet of the North 15/32 of Northwont 1/4.of <br />the southeast 1/4 of section 15, Township 29, Range 23, according to <br />the uni~ed state" Government St,trvey thereof and situate in R8DlBey <br />county, Minnesota. <br /> <br />*Tbe Seller certifies that the seller does not know of any wells OQ the described p.~pertyy <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />together with all hereQitaments and appurtenances belonging thereto (the Property). <br /> <br />~. ~ITLE. Soller warrants that title to the Property is, on the date of this contract, <br />subject only to the following exceptions: <br />(a) CoVenan~8, conditions, restrictions, declarations and easem8~te of record, if <br />any; <br />(b) RB8ervatichs of ~ineralA or mineral rigbt~ by the state of Minneeota. if any; <br />(c) Buildinq, zoning and subdivision laws and r9gQlations~ <br />(d) The lien of real estate taxes and installments of special assessments which are <br />payable by Purchaser pursuant to paragraph 6 of this contract~ and <br />(e) ~hB fallowing liens or encumbrances: <br /> <br />Mortgage in favor of Hellon Ho~tgag8 C~pany, in tbe original princi~al amount <br />of $61.800.00 of record. <br /> <br />3. <br /> <br />DELIVERY OF DEED AND EVIDENCE OF 'l'J:TL8. <br />of this contract. Seller shall! <br />(a) Execute, acknowledge and deliver to J?urchaser II Warranty Deed, in recordable form, <br />conveying market-able title to the property to Purchase:!:, subject only to the <br />following exceptions: <br />(i) Those exceptions referred to in paragraph 2(a), (0), (c) and (d) ot this <br />contract~ <br />(ii) Liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters which Purchaser has <br />created, Buffered or pe~itteQ to aocr~e after the date of this contract; <br />and <br />(ii1) The following liens or ~ncumbrance&: <br /> <br />upon Purchaser's prompt an4 full performance <br /> <br />Mortgage in favor of Hellon Mortgage CQJnpany, of record, which Purcbaser agree~ <br />~nd aS8~~S to pay; and <br /> <br />(b) Deliver to Purchaser the abstract of title to the prQpe~ty or, if tbe title is . <br />registered, the owner's duplicate certificate of tit1e. <br /> <br />4. PURCHASE PRICE. Purchaser shall pay to seller, at such addrlilBB as seller may desictn~te <br />from time to ~ime in writin~, the Bum of Ten Thousand six Hundred Dollars and 00/100 <br />($10.600.00), as and for the ~urch~ae price fo~ the property, payable as followst <br /> <br />$1,ODO.00 in principal aha all accrued intereet commencing on.the firat day <br />of June, 1996, ~nd continuing on the fi:t'Bt day of June 'of each 'year <br />thereaftElr until the firll3t day of Jt1ne, 2000, at which time all then <br />rem~1ning principal and any accrued interest shall be dUQ and p~yable ih <br />full. Interest snall commence on the date of this Contract and continue at <br />the rate of 8% per annUlI on all unpaid principal from time to time remaining. <br /> <br />5. PREPAYMENT, Un1... otherwis. provided. ia. this cont.t:act, Purch"eer .hall have the right <br />to fully or p.rtially prep.y thi. contraQt at any t~~ without penalty. AnY p~tial <br />~repayment s~.ll be applied first ~o pa~nt of &mOuntB then due under this contraet, <br />~ncluding unpaid aocrued interest. and the balance sball be appliad to the prinoipal <br />installments to be paid in the inverue order of their maturity. Partial prepayment <br /> <br />** TOTAL PAGE.03 ** <br />