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including economic development goals; andfor program and loca on, the community center <br />· not adjacent to single family residen al, or remains an idea requiring further study. <br />capable of suppor ng su cient transi on to <br />adjacent single family residen al.The master plan advocates for a process that <br /> takes certain steps to carry the community center <br />Applying these parameters to a map of Roseville idea forward. Key tasks might be rolled into a <br />led to the conclusion that a community center on ͻƦƩĻƌźƒźƓğƩǤ ķĻƭźŭƓͼ ƦƩƚĭĻƭƭͲ ğƓķ ƒźŭŷƷ źƓĭƌǒķĻʹ <br />the Civic Campus site would be preferred. Several <br />ͻƷĻƭƷ ŋ Ʒͼ ƭƉĻƷĭŷĻƭ ǞĻƩĻ ƦƩĻƦğƩĻķ Ʒƚ ķĻƒƚƓƭƷƩğƷĻ · re ŋ ning the program of desired components; <br />possible con ŋ gura ons, and the test revealed that · preparing a concept level design for the <br />accommoda on of the full program of ac vi es facility and the site; <br />iden ŋ ed during this master planning process the · es ma ng the costs of construc on AND <br />ƓĻĻķ Ʒƚ ƩĻƌƚĭğƷĻ ƷŷĻ ĭźƷǤ͸ƭ ƒğźƓƷĻƓğƓĭĻ ŅğĭźƌźƷǤ opera ng the facility; <br />became apparent. While each alterna ve impacted · iden fying poten al sources of funding for <br />the Civic Campus site in di erent ways (for instance, construc on; and <br />causing the reloca on of exis ng facili es or the · framing a schedule for implementa on. <br />need to acquire addi onal land), these preliminary <br />studies con ŋ rmed for the CAT that a community <br />center on the Civic Campus site is possible. It <br />should be noted that these studies were directed to <br />an assessment of what might ŋ t, not at a de ŋ ni ve <br />design. Adjustments to the desired program were <br />necessary in each alterna ve considered, and as <br />further planning occurs, it should be expected that <br />program re ŋ nements are a necessary piece of the <br />design and explora on process. <br />This master plan concludes that a community <br />center would be a desirable component in Roseville. <br />Input con ŋ ƩƒĻķ ƷŷğƷ źƷ źƭ ķĻƭźƩĻķ ĬǤ ƩĻƭźķĻƓƷƭΓźƓ <br />fact, a er trails and connec vity, a community <br />center is the facility most o en cited as a desired <br />addi on. No es mates were generated for the cost <br />of the facility, and other than stated preferences <br /> <br />