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<br />4,5 The eastern most access to County Road B must be eliminated. <br /> <br />4.6 The exterior building materials (color impregnated masonry) for the addition must be <br />consistent with Section 1010,02 ofthe City Code, The car wash overhead doors must close <br />automatically prior to each wash to reduce washer and dryer noise, Trash must be stored within <br />an enclosed area and screened from view, <br /> <br />4,7 Parking lot lighting must meet the requirements of Section 1010.12 of the City Code. <br /> <br />4,8 No additional equipment, service station signs or furniture closer than 30 feet to the B and Dale <br />frontages (i.e, vacuums, phones, Ip tanks, wood piles, outdoor sales, etc,). <br /> <br />4,9 This conditional use permit expires 6 months after approval if a building permit has not been <br />issued, (Section 1013.03) <br /> <br />5.0 STAFF VARIANCE RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> <br />The staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit to allow construction of the car <br />wash, storage area and trash enclosure, and approval of the variances, based on the findings in <br />Section 3 and conditions in Section 4 of project report, <br /> <br />6.0 SUGGESTED PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION <br /> <br />By motion, recommend approval (denial) of request by Croix Oil Company for: <br /> <br />A conditional use permit to allow construction of a 2000 square foot car wash with storage and <br />enclosed trash container area (with conditions 4.1 through 4,8 of the project report dated <br />9/1312000); and <br /> <br />A variance for the proposed exit drive lane being located three feet into the required five foot <br />side yard (west) setback, 2) a variance for the pre-existing non-conforming parking area being <br />located seven feet into the required 15 foot parking lot setback from a street right-of-way <br />(Section 1005.01D6B) or in this case the setback is measured from the permanent highway & <br />utility easement, and 3) a variance for the pre-existing non-conforming driveway being located <br />closer than 50 feet from intersecting street right-of-way lines (Section 1005.09), <br /> <br />based on the findings in Section 3 of the project report dated 9/1312000 and subject to the <br />conditions in Section 4 of this report, <br /> <br />Prepared by: Thomas Paschke <br /> <br />Attachments: Property location map, aerial photo, site plan, building elevations, floor plans, and narrative. <br />60-Day Schedule: Application receiver on August 21,2000; accepted on August 24,2000; Decision deadline is October 20, <br />2000. <br /> <br />PF3253 RPCA (091300) Page 5 of 5 <br />