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Q23) <br />r� °� <br />135 (32) <br />204 (48) <br />85 (20) <br />25 <br />Q24) <br />157 (40) <br />239 (60) <br />53 <br />SINGL�-FAMILY - ROS�VILL� RESIDGNT SURV�Y <br />How concerned are you about how youi• garbage company disposes of your garbage <br />and the impact it inay have on the enviroiullent? (circle one) <br />l. Very concerned <br />2. Somewhat concerned <br />3. Not very concerned <br />BLANK <br />Has your garbage hauler told you where the company talces your garbage? <br />l. Yes <br />2. No <br />BLANK <br />Q25) Would you prefer your garbage be talcen to a recovery facility where inucll of your <br />garbage is turned into fiiel to be burned at an electricity generatil2g plant, talcen to a <br />landfill, or disposed of in another manner? (circle one) <br />363 (90) 1. Recovery facility <br />19 (5) 2. Landfill <br />19 (5) 3. Another nlanner (please describe) <br />48 BLANK <br />Q26) Would you be willing to pay more if your hauler guaranteed to dispase of your <br />garbage at a recovery facility instead of sending it to a landfill? <br />212 (51) 1. Yes <br />201 (49) 2. No <br />36 BLANK <br />----> Q26a) How much more per nzontll would you be willing <br />to pay? (circle one) <br />Freq % <br />56 (29) l. $1 <br />84 (43) 2. $2 <br />49 (25) 3. $5 <br />7 (4) 4. $10 <br />253 BLANK <br />MINNESOTEt CENTER FOR SURV�Y R�S�ARCH PAG� l4 <br />