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Regular Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, June 5, 2013 <br />Page 10 <br />whether the previous definition would have allowed aluminum siding for a new funeral <br />451 <br />home; however, opined that hairs were being split again. Mr. Paschke further opined that <br />452 <br />in his opinion, it was better to provide for better direction and greater clarification for the <br />453 <br />intent of the previous ordinance language by eliminating those things not found desirable, <br />454 <br />while allowing flexibility for staff to work with them for similar products and new materials. <br />455 <br />If the Commission remained uncomfortable with the proposed language, Mr. Paschke <br />456 <br />noted that there was no rush to move this forward, and suggested more review and <br />457 <br />tweaking by staff. Mr. Paschke opined that he was quite confident that residential type lap <br />458 <br />siding was not desired in a Regional Business District, where the potential would them be <br />459 <br />for it to be wrapped all the way around a strip mall, as an example. Mr. Paschke <br />460 <br />expressed his preference for other design components closer to a street, but noted that <br />461 <br />there were many nuances in code, and he was not sure how best to cross that bridge. <br />462 <br />Mr. Paschke advised that he understood the concerns expressed by Member <br />463 <br />Cunningham. However, unless restricting it to a specific District, such as the <br />464 <br />Neighborhood Business section where materials could be slightly different and may allow <br />465 <br />for a commercial grade metal siding, Mr. Paschke advised that staff could reconsider <br />466 <br />that; however, he could not advocate for it in other Districts. <br />467 <br />Member Daire opined that, from his perspective, staff’s choice of words was close to <br />468 <br />genius, by including “may be” as that indicated that some things may be permitted or <br />469 <br />encouraged, while allowing for flexibility. <br />470 <br />Mr. Paschke concurred with staff’s intent with that wording, noting that they had <br />471 <br />attempted a potentially broad selection of materials. <br />472 <br />Member Cunningham advised that her concern was less with the 10% portion of Section <br />473 <br />5.3 as in excluding the core materials on the main portion of a building. However, if she <br />474 <br />was assured that staff would take into consideration commercial uses and potentially <br />475 <br />using metal siding in Neighborhood Business Districts when they were attempting to <br />476 <br />blend into the neighborhood, she could support the request without further revision. <br />477 <br />Member Olsen opined that staff is not often given the credit they deserve, and concurred <br />478 <br />with Member Daire’s interpretation of staff’s genius in this language. <br />479 <br />Mr. Paschke recognized and duly noted that points raised; and noted that practical <br />480 <br />application would prove whether or not those concerns and points had been sufficiently <br />481 <br />addressed with this language. Mr. Paschke opined that there was something to be said <br />482 <br />for making language too rigid or contradicting other language. Mr. Paschke advised that <br />483 <br />staff would give further consideration to separating out Neighborhood Business Districts <br />484 <br />due to their closer proximity to residential areas and the desire for achieving that blend. <br />485 <br />Mr. Paschke reiterated that there was no urgency in proceeding, and if the Commission <br />486 <br />preferred that it be further refined and brought back, he was amenable to doing so. <br />487 <br />Member Boguszewski questioned if there was anything in code to address the intent of <br />488 <br />this, since the intent seemed to be to avoid or prevent incongruity along a neighborhood <br />489 <br />or street and the character of other buildings. <br />490 <br />Mr. Paschke stated that he was not sure if the Purpose Statement was that specific for <br />491 <br />material and design standard and was broader; however, he noted that the purpose of <br />492 <br />design standards was to achieve those goals within various Zoning Districts. <br />493 <br />Member Boguszewski opined that he could envision a restaurant or funeral home looking <br />494 <br />out of place if it looked like a residents; and questioned if it may be helpful to add a line <br />495 <br />about the intent of standards for these applications as well. <br />496 <br />Chair Gisselquist closed the Public Hearing at 8:24 p.m.; no one spoke for or against. <br />497 <br /> <br />
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