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<br />8. IRetq!UJ1iredl JP'r([)lPelt"~y OWITller N([)~ice: State Law requires published notice in a city's local paper a <br />minimum of 10 days prior to a public hearing. State law also requires notice be mailed to <br />property owners within 350 of the effected property. Both notices are prepared by the City of <br />Roseville; however, the applicant is responsible for providing the City with a certified list, <br />including two sets of mailing address labels of adjacent property owners within 350 feet of the <br />subject property. Ajpljplllk3lITll~$ lh13lve ~1h1IJ"ee ([)jpI~fi([)ITll$ 3lv31fill3lMe ~([) ([)ManITll ~!me <br />cer~fifiedl/3l!bs~IJ"3ld([)IJ"~s llns~. 'TI'lh1e jfnIJ"S~ ([)jpI~i([)ITll fi~ ~([) IJ"eG!UJ1es~ ~lh1e fiITlljf([)Ji"ma~iml fmm Ramsey <br />C([)UJ1ITll~y JPlt'([)lPer~y IRec([)lt"dls; ~lh1e ~ec([)ITllidl ([)jpI~n([)ITll n~ ~([) reG!UJ1e~~ ~lh1e nITllf([)Jrmation from a l'itie <br />C([)mjpl3lIl1lY; ([)r ~lh1e ~lh1nIJ"dl ([)jp)~n([)ITll n~ ~([) IJ"eG!UJ1e~~ ~lh1e iITlljf([)!rm3l~iI{])ITll ff'IJ"([)m ~he City. Each option has a <br />specific charge for the list and labels. If selecting the City, the 3ljp)jp)llnc~lIIl1l~ must mark the front <br />of this ajp)jp)llk3ltnoITll and pay the appropriate fee at the time of application submittal. <br /> <br />9. ExceiJ])t 3lS ll1lo~edl. One jfollllowiITll~ iITllfl{])lt"m3l~fiI{])ITll mUJ1S~ !be ~UJ1!bmi~~eidl wWln t!hlns apjj)Hicatioll'ls: <br /> <br />A. N3lrIr3l~nve: A 'WrnUeITll ITll3lrr3ltive~ nITll ~UJ1jp)jp)OIJ"~ ([)f 3l v~!lIJ"n3lITllce 3ljp)jp)llkatioll1l~ nn ITllecessalt"Y. <br />'TI'!hIns ITll3lIt"IJ"3ltnve ~lh1oUJ1lldl ftlIllllly eXjp)ll3lnITll ~lh1e 661h13lIJ"idl$lh1njp){~r9 ~lh1a~ ]UJ1S~i[y the departult"e fmm <br />tlh1e stlt"nd 3ljp)jp)llnc3ltnI{])ITll ([)jf ~lh1e C([)idle. 'TI'lh1e term 661h13lIJ"idl~lh1fijp)9~ ([)IJ" 661!11111ldue lh1all'dship~~ <br />tYjpificalllly IJ"eifeIJ"S ~o jp)lh1y~nc3lll clh13lIJ"3ldeIJ"n~~k~ I{])jf tlh1e jp)IJ"ojp)eIJ"ty~ ~UJ1c!I11 as shape, soU <br />coIt1idlJitiomii, ([)IJ" ex~reme ~([)jp)l{])gIJ"3ljp)lh1y. Neitlh1elt" meIJ"e nITllc([DITllvel11lnel!1lce, nOlr reducthull nITll <br />V3llllllle 3lllI{])ITlle~ fi~ ~UJ1mdeITllt t([D ]tlIl~tnfy 3l V3lIJ"n3lITllce. 'TI'lh1e nITll3lfum~y t([D pu~ property ~(j) nt~ <br />Ih1nglh1es~ 3lITllidllbest UJl~e ns ITll([)t c([DITll~nidlereidl 3llh1aIJ"idl$lh1njp) ([DIJ" jp)ndnl!:all idliffncuHty. The <br />jpiro!bllem tlh13l~ ]UJ1stfifie$ ~lh1e v3lIJ"n3lITllce mUJ1~~ !be c3lUJ1~edllby c([DITlliIJlJiti([Dl!11s !beyond the C(])II1l~IJ"([Dn <br />of tlh1e 3ljp)lPllic3lITllt 'TI'lh1e 3ljp)lPllk3lITll~ C3lITllITll([D~ ne3lte ~lh1e c([DITlldlfi~fiI{])ITll ~1h131~ reqnJlfires the <br />v3lrfi3lm:e. <br /> <br />IB. JProjp)osedllPll3lITlls (HD c([Djp)fie$) fiITllcllUJ1dlfiITllg ~fi~e jp)ll3lITll9 llall1ldl~c3ljp)e IPllall1l~ gJi"aiIJlhng and olt"ahn3Jge <br />jpillaITll, ~1lIT1ldl ex~eIJ"fi([)IJ" !btlIlfilliIJlfiITllg elleva~fi([Dlln dlniwnll1lg~ s!hl([DwnII1lg lbUJ1illdnng mateJrmaHs is <br />retq!UJ1nredl. SUJ1dn dlIJ"3lwfill1lg~ slh13lllll fue 8-.TIJ2lid Jl Ii ([DIJ" n lid 7ii([DJr JPDF digitaH forma~. <br /> <br />Jl~. Ajpijpillka~ioITll PJrocess: A completed application, applicable fee(s), and all accompanying <br />documents are to be submitted for review by the Development Review Committee (DRe). <br /> <br />H. 'TI'eITll~3l~nve AdioITll Plt"ocess: All applications are reviewed by the Development Review <br />Committee for completeness and an applicant is notified in writing by mail, e-mail, or fax within <br />I 0 calendar days after an application is submitted. All accepted applications will be forwarded to <br />the Roseville Planning Commission for consideration, <br /> <br />AU3lclh1edl is ~lh1e teITlltatnve sclh1edlUJ1lle fl{])Jr Pll3lII1lll1lfiII1lg C([Dmmissn([D1l1l c([Dll1lsiidlelt"3l~ioII1l all1liIJI City CiJ)\lmdll <br />Ac~ioITll~ as wellll 3lS o~!hIeJr dle3ldlllill1les. <br /> <br />JPlt"olPeIJ"~y OWITllelt" Sigll1l3ltUJ1re: <br /> <br /> <br />ect to the best of my knowledge. <br /> <br />112. <br /> <br />SigITllatUJ1re: The above statemen <br /> <br />AlPlPllic3lITll~ Sigll1l3l~UJ1re: <br /> <br />JI))3l~e: 5t?3~CJI <br /> <br />PIh1Oll1le#:~~I/~ <br /> <br />]F3lX #: )' flI1/l 6 <br /> <br />E-m3lfill AidldlIJ"es~: <br /> <br />Revise February 28,2001 <br />Q:\Planning Commission\Land Use App1ications\Variance Application.doc <br /> <br />Page 20f2 <br /> <br />-_._...~- <br />