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<br />MAY-17-2001 06:10 PM INTEGRITY CONSTRUCTION <br />~.1~~~1 aa:25 ROSEUILLE-COMM-DEU <br /> <br />651 430 1917 <br />6514902 :5 <br /> <br />P.02 <br />I p.03/0:3 <br />; <br /> <br />8. <br /> <br />Required Property Owner Notice: State Law requires pubJished nDtiQC in a city' <br />minimum of 10 days prior to a public heanDl. State law &lso requires notioo be <br />property owners within 3S0 of the effected proporty. Both notit~ell are prepared by <br />Roseville; however. the applicant is responsible for providing the City with a c . <br />including two sets ofrnailing addl'css labels of adjacent property owners within 35 <br />subject property. Appllcal1ts have three options available to obt.ln the <br />certUledlabltl'actor's Usi. The first option Is to nqllat tbe Information from <br />County Property Records; the IIiICOad option Js to request the laf'ormadon fro <br />Compaoy; or the third option Is to reque.t tbe In!ormatlon from the City. <br />specific charge for the list and labels. If selecting the City. the appUcant must m <br />. of this application and P3Y the appropriate fee ~t the time of application subruitte.l i <br /> <br />~'papcr a <br /> <br />. of <br />lis , <br />t ~f the <br /> <br />, <br /> <br /> <br />9. <br /> <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />mUlt be submltt <br /> <br />10. <br /> <br /> <br />A. N8....ady~ A written Rllfr.dve, in support of a \leduce appUcatlon, In <br />ThU Darratlve should tully explldl1 tbe ubardllbJp(s)" tbat Jastlly the <br />the IItrlct .ppBead.oD of the Code. The term "bardlhtp" or "undue har , <br />typicaOy refen to pb)l.I~al ehafa~terlJtleI ofthe property, such 1.8 .hap <br />eondltJ0J15, or estreme topograpby. Neither men IneonvehieD~ Dor r <br />value alone, Is lIamdent to JulUfY a variance. The inabW~ to put prop <br />hl8helt and best ue '5 not con.ldered a hardship or prlede..J dUJieulty I <br />problem that JUldlles the "....1adee 1111ISt b, ea1Iud by CODdlUoDJ beyoD <br />oC the .ppnelftl. The .ppllcaal cannot crea~ the cODdlUOD that requir . <br />varl_DCL <br /> <br />B. Proposed plRns (10 copies) 1nduding lite piau, landlcape plan, gradial . <br />plan, and exterior buUdlDe elevation drawing. 8bowlng buDding mate <br />required. S,u~h dr8,ndgB 5ball be 8-II2"xll" or 11 "1:17"or PDF digit. If! <br /> <br />AppllcattOD Proatls: A completed application, appHcabJefee(s), and aU ac:co <br />documents are to be subuUtted for review by the Development Review Committee <br /> <br />drlnage <br />is. <br />~. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />~J <br /> <br />11. Tentative Aetlon Process: All applications are reviewed by the Developm.ent Rev <br />Committee for completeness ana an appticlUlt is notitied in writing by mail, e~maiL <br />10 calendar daYA after an application is submitted. All accepted applioations will b <br />Ihe R()seviUe PlanniDg Commission t'ot consideration. <br /> <br />Attached 11 die tentative ,chedule for PI*nnioa Com_11GB coJUlderatioll aDd <br />Action, as weD as atber deadUDfI. <br /> <br />I <br />i <br />U. Signature: The above Gtatements are we and coma to the be t of my knowledge. ! <br /> <br /> <br />D"te: <br /> <br />/ <br /> <br />Appl1eant Sllnatare~ <br />Property Ownel' Signature: <br />Pbone #: b f/t 17- fji3 Fo II: <br /> <br />E-mail Addre..: <br /> <br />R.wise Pebrual')' J8. ZOOI <br />Q;\FJllmiJIi Commission\Land Use AppJicatlwu\Varlance Application.doc <br /> <br />Ptgt 2 of2 <br /> <br />~L P.0J <br />! <br />I <br /> <br />i <br />