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<br />SENT BY: DNR METRO; <br /> <br />6-20- 1 4:26PM; 6517727573 => <br /> <br />6514902931; <br /> <br />#1/2 <br /> <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />Minnesota Departlnent of Natural Resources <br />'" Metro Waters.. 120() Wamc)' Road, St.I'aul. MN 5510(>-6793 <br />II,) <br />'V it? Td~ph(\ne ((,51) 772-7910 Fax: (651) 772.,7977 <br />% # <br />'~ ~'<- <br />OF NAT\.I~"\.. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />~0;-cst~ <br /> <br />Jun(' 20., 20() I <br /> <br />City of Rl)sevilk <br />DOli M\lIl!:1011, City I nsp(~ct!),. <br />26('0 Ci vi~ (0l:11ll'1' Dri vt: <br />R08C\'illc. MN 55113 <br /> <br />I~I: Heine! Circle Variance Request, Lake O\\'tl~::.o (62-56P), Cily or Ruscvilll..:_ R;lIn~ey (,\.1\1111)' <br /> <br />I k:)t':V1r Munson <br /> <br />Oil J 1I11~ (). 200 I, Mr. Jay Julms(>11 sLlbmill\;d plans I())' ..I pr()!'osc<..lIIlHr1C silL' 011 1m 3. Heinc! Cirde. <br />ft) [)NR Waters for review The lot in question is riparian ll) Lake (6~-j61') and locall.:d in <br />tlte NW'/~ Section I, 'Township 2') N<:)11h, Range 23 West. in Ramscy County, "[he proposed plans <br />have lJl'clI n:.'viewed and We have the 1()lIowing comments to offer concerning them: <br /> <br />Due to the LLlILlsLlal shape nf1m 3, Hein~1 Circle, rhl.: 1m has di mculty m~etit1g the minimum lot width <br />requirement (70') ti)r 101$ thaI are riparian to Lake OWttS~() and ;J v;IrialH":l.' ri'orn Ii'll.' Roseville <br />Shor~land Ordinance will be requircd bcfnl'ca SlrllctLlrc cail he approved (()]" emlslruc!iuT1 Dl! lot 3. <br />HOWCVI.T. lhl.: width of lot ~\ im:I'<;',lS<:S at a distanc~ or approximately ()()' li'om Lake Owa~so and is <br />above: the rcquji'cd 70' at the poinl when.: Ihe proposeu hurm; is 10 be cOlIslTllctcd, Thc.:rc.:/i)l{,:, the <br />DN R willno,t ol~ect to the approval of the proposed variance t()J' the plans Ihat have hecn sLlbmillcd <br />to the DNR by Mr, Jay Johnson, Thig decl~ion has becn influenced by Ihe following 61clor::. lot 3 <br />CXl:l.'l.'cls the minimll1111nt area required rm:l riparian Int in the Shoreland DistriCT of I,:tke OW;lssn~ <br />the pcrc~l1t (1rl'he lot that will be covered by impervious sllrfact~ appears TO be less than the maximum <br />allowabk imperviDus surli\ee percentag.e that is found in RO~L"villc Shureland Ordinancc; the <br />setback of the proposed structurc ti'om Lake Owasso will cxcecd the sel,baek rcquirli1IClIl fiTHn Lake <br />Owasso required by the Shoreland Ordinance; and. the problem in mceting the requirements of the <br />Shoreland Ordinance ;lppear are c<1used by a unique characteristic of I he lot (it's shape) that was nut <br />caused hy the current o\.vner of the kit (there{~)re <1 hardship Truly exisTs f(')r rhi$ propos:ll) <br /> <br />In additioll. We rcconuncnd Lhat lhe City of Roscvillc require thai additional lrees 1)(' phllllcd <br />bet\V~en I "tke Owasso and the proposed structure, These trces will help w improve. and protcct. the- <br />water qua lily l)1' Lake Owassn, The trees will also screen the view of the ncw home from the <br />Sl1l'I';jl.'l' of Lake Owassi), 1 ft,lll trees art;! planted, then the lower branchcs can be removed as tilt" I "e~" <br />gn.."....s until the homeowners have a view of Lake Owasso that is unde!' the C~U1l'JP.Y (')1' lhe [fce::;, <br /> <br />DNr< Informal ion: (}51-2%-6157 . I..HHH-M6-6367 - TTY: 65J-:2%-5-4!H . J-80()-(;57-J92lJ <br /> <br />An Equal ()rr()f[UIJiL~. RIH[',I,)y\" <br />WI H) Vilh,(:~ J')i\:(,"f~I'Y <br /> <br />^ P""lcd on r1e<;yCI(:/j f>"r.""r (:O"I,jln1ng a <br />..." Mlnlmllm 01 2()~,. l.ost,c;nnSllm~r WAsIP. <br />