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<br />which would be negative. A fence between the properties would run at a diagonal along the <br />property line, not parallel to the Sherren Street. He agreed with the denial of the staff <br />recommendation on Comprehensive Plan and zoning and agreed with the interim use concept, <br />except that item 5, the screening fence along the south line, not be constructed because of the <br />existing natural barrier foliage. The foliage is on both the Dunnette and Agness properties. <br /> <br />Bill Schorn, Schorn Realty, explained that the commercial realtor and owner (Rymer) told them that <br />SUP follows with the property. The site had been used as a music academy business (for 40 years) <br />and Schorn believed the commercial realtor and Rymer. <br /> <br />Eric Mueller, 2255 Lexington Avenue, said the interim use permit would be appropriate. He cited a <br />"B-1" zone at Sandhurst and Lexington that had an old house, which was removed to allow a new <br />B-1 business. <br /> <br />Sally Goodroad, 1075 Sherren Street, stated she was confused with uses "River Valley Mortgage" <br />and "Schorn Realty". Why, if Mr. Rymer had a business for 40 years, would Ms Agness not accept <br />an interim use permit to operate a business? She felt threatened by the proposal for a group home. <br />She was opposed to rezoning to "B-1" because such zoning would be permanent. An interim use <br />permit is a renewable use permit with conditions, which are reasonable and fair. The property <br />would only be used for real estate or mortgage office. Ms. Goodroad recommended that the fence <br />along the east property line remain (and possibly be improved) but should not be removed. Ms. <br />Goodroad has installed and maintained the existing fence for years. No snow should be placed <br />against the fence. <br /> <br />Cindy Gardner, 2261 Lexington Avenue, supported the conclusion (interim use) except for the <br />intrusive light, which has been corrected by the applicant. The noise is buffered by the natural <br />vegetation. <br /> <br />Ed Hanes 1063 Sherren St., concurred with neighbors and recommended the interim use permit, <br />which could be renewed. <br /> <br />Frank Hagerty, 1086 Sherren St., concurred with Roger Dunnette's comments supporting an <br />interim use permit. <br /> <br />Craig Boates, an attorney representing Schorn Realty and River Valley Mortgage within the same <br />building, indicated item 12, page 4, of the draft interim use permit resolution states that there is <br />"no vested rights or legal entitlement" and that he objected to this wording because of uncertainty <br />of renewal. <br /> <br />Mark Traynor asked Mr. Boates if the interim use permit request is being withdrawn (No). <br /> <br />Mr. Wilke clarified that a "B-1" does not guarantee a complimentary use, but does increase <br />neighbor uncertainty. Mr. Boates stated that there are few other uses for the site; no building <br />could be built except a small office building. <br /> <br />Member Traynor askedfor concerns within draft interim use permit. Mr. Boates concern was that <br />the permit is only an interim use, not permanent. <br /> <br />No further comments were offered; Chair Mulder closed the public hearing. <br /> <br />Chair Mulder asked the Planning Commission to narrow the options available to the site. <br /> <br />PF3329 RCA (092401).doc Page 7 <br />