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<br />LOCA TlON: <br /> <br />~Jorthea~t <br />Larpenteur <br />sketch) <br /> <br />C:'orner :")f <br />and F ~rn"~.Dod (see <br /> <br /> <br />PLANNiNG REPOR T <br /> <br />. -~ -----~--------=-~ <br /> <br />Q.':\T[: <br /> <br />:: Au:;~st ~ 98~ <br /> <br />C,~SE t..~urv:8~H: <br /> <br />---Zurm- ---~ <br /> <br />APPLICANT: <br /> <br />:~ateviay C'e I,,'"eiopr:ler,t C::ompany <br /> <br />ACTION REQUESTED: <br /> <br />Approva! d SpecJal Use <br />Permi~ fLr :)Htc Pian Approval <br /> <br />Pl~JNC CONSIOCRA TlQNS: <br /> <br /> <br />1. Tl1e property is zoneJ 5hop~jng Center and ar:pears en the <br />CDmpr~her.sive Plan for Shopping Center use. The property is currentJ) <br />:Jccup:ed by ;; center COnS!.>tmg of three stores: Rainbow Foods, Craft <br />Viiiage, an::] the RosF.',i!1e Four Theater. Thf! Shop'Jiog Cente;- District <br />as -riginaJly written provides for a r,c.::edure requiring a development <br />plan apptQvai ~5irnilar to ;j PUO) where new or expended CDnstructlor> is <br />to tal.:e piace i~ the Shoppin~ Center Gistrict. The applicant is <br />applying for a ~meciaj use permit for approvdl of a maJvr remodeling of <br />the exbting thr€p.-store compiex. <br /> <br />2. Att.:!chprj IS " ,';okJet ?repa,ed by the ap;J!icant's archite~ts, KKE <br />Aichitects, t'lat Inciudf's a 1:taternent of des~riplior. and ,.educed copies <br />!)f ":~awing.; dlustrat; ,g the prop::lsed development. Also attached is a <br />copy (. . ~tpnlP;jt from tt>e Engineering Dep3rtmenf. indici'lting areas <br />of ~once..; and .emi"j~rs of issue~ to b~ considered. <br /> <br />3. W!len 5t9ff lTlet with the applicants scveJ'aJ w~e;':$ ago, W~ Sl:C]g",.~tea <br />.hat all of top pa~!':jng ar;;:as s:,ol:id be devetoped witt> r:e'V curbing <br />(where it do as not ~xtst) and th3t the setback along La.penteur ;;~ouJd <br />bF; increased to 40 ieet as ,~qlJired In the Bu~;>)ess Z"ne. You will <br />also note that the appIicants propose to elimmate the sCI"vi<:e drive <br />aJong th," west &\ce of the bui!dinCj and :-ep!a,~e this with grass and " <br />sidewa:k near Ul€' building. ,l,ddidonai landscaping io prapo!>cd to tJe <br />add2c in th{.sc n~w green :"1aces, whict- shoulo substdnti.>:ly i:T.;:':Gve ;'hC'> <br />ar:~thetic.s G' U'iF' site. <br /> <br />"-~" 1,:;'1 !)")!p th\.it ~he cr\tii"f" site :~O:; to be resurfat~d anj tha: <br />3tkiit~oi1ai $torfT.5('~"~r facli~tle$ are ;;r\J,"HJ~t:~. : ~':";;~~.'?:. thp. pnC]i}"'\t..e.Ii'1~ <br />!'e;'ort p~i()t~ .)ut thdt there is tG bp. sheet crain:ny ,io",Nn the (j:.I"'~"'.'ay <br />near the sov.hwesterly corn.', of the site. It wnu!d bf' apprQpriate to <br />JiSCUS:'; th:s ...,' th the Gpp1lcants fit t.~e Pianning ~---o:-nriiiss:or~ an~ '~Ot;nc! I <br />~~{,;3~inq$ sm::e nc~:nal CIty pc-hey reqUires picking \.:,0 this dt ainage hy a <br />:)tcrrr~~e",\'C~ outh~t Of by 3 stG;'rn~e\v{.-r cateh basil"'!. <br /> <br />'< T!w enC;I:1eer ing r~poi't ...:so notes the lack of cu.-bl;)g along the east <br />Sl,:~ n! the I.)8r:"':ing lct~ fherp is, ~o our ~!'1o\\'!edge, ri ioi;-;t e~sen-)f'rt <br />tor t'd,kiny :1etwee'l the s'lOi1ping '-enter ana the sitt'. Thus, ,t wuuld <br />a['pf'ar apprcprL;He to ,,"'ontl!lUe to :lH~1"'~(' tht:~ park-::~g jCit~; ';;$ th~;w c-x\sl. <br /> <br />