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<br />Gateway Development Company, Case No. 2000 <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />The par>.:ing Jet grades vii:i change froil' the rnaxjrn~m of 7-1/2 <br />rercent t:; 4 ~erce:;t. n.e entire wt is to be repaired and <br />resurfac2o. The instaliatlon .,f the retaining wslJ and revision of <br />the par:':ins layout .esults i'l tf-Je net loss of four p3rking spaces, <br />whi::h we feel IS inconse.::jue:',"::l' to the ovcrc;!j site. The lot wiil <br />become a safe. aar:':irg area and mere attractive as weil. <br /> <br />c) i"\!ew curbing wiil Uf" :nstallerl on the periphery "f the parking <br />area, except on the east sioe wh:ere then: is a joint parking <br />i1rrangement with th2 contiguous prOllerty. These cu:'bs were a <br />p:::rt of the original proposal, but will SUbSl;)..;~ialJy improve the <br />aesthetics of the site. This wiil he true i3Jong the south side <br />where a very wid;;: grass strip will be df:'ieioped cont.iguous to the <br />north side of Lsrpe,iteur il.venue. <br /> <br />d) A r.ew 5 fo;)l widr. r'.Jblic sidewalk will ~le constructed cn the <br />north side of L arper 'eur on a 6 foot wide easement to bp. <br />provided by the Oc .:loper. As of our last meetin;!, there was <br />some question as to whether or not there was adequate <br />right-of-way for this sidewalk construction, v.:itholJt the additior;c:~ <br />eai;em:o:nt. :n any case, if the 8aS'3m~,:t is nc(;essary, it wi II be <br />dedicated for thE: purpose of huilding the !,.Jblic walk (to be paid <br />for by the applicant). No w~;i< is propf';;[>:;1 along Fernwood. <br /> <br />e) l\ new sign that wiU be 35 feet In height with 280 ::;quare feet <br />of area is prCf'c.!':::d. The exi~ting sign is 39-1/2 feet in height <br />with 173 S':;~~i'e feet of ar~d, which waE approved by variance hy <br />the Cil>' some J'ears 80G. This "ariance approval goes with the <br />;>,'of'Grty, thus, tt-;eoreticaily could remain. Hr....ever, the new sign <br />is far more attractive and sn'al!er in scale. <br /> <br />f) New landscaping has been !Jroposed with approx;~'3teJy double the <br />number of t re~s to be pldnteci. A smalier spedes (amur ma~le) <br />is pr Joas€''i to redUCE; the conflict w!th the overhead "Iectrical <br />wire~. A t.otal of ten tn:~s in three clusters 8re proposed for <br />Larpenteuf Avenue. <br /> <br />g) <br /> <br />" wood scree', fence IS prorosed tG reouce the visibility <br />projected spe~ker boxes that prot!'uoe from the west waJl <br />str'Jcture. Hopef:illy this wiil r'ake the we5t fascade <br />structure (contiguc to Fernwood) ,nore attractiv(,. <br /> <br />of the <br />of the <br />of thE <br /> <br />h) Section urawmgs of the visibility of the rJoftop e~cIiprr.ent along <br />F ernw,'od i'\venut? have been prep3red. Portions cf the equipment <br />C8r: be seen as > ou tra'vel norther' FernwooG. The applicant <br />and the architerts note that screenir 9 of this equipment .....ould be <br />diificult hec::)t)st' of its impact of the sno\'.' load and the resultino <br />requirements to reconstruct portions of the existing roof. F r <br />these reasons, the ap;Jllcants are I cquesting that they be a!lowerl <br />to sinl;:"y paint this equipn'0nt ra~ ler n13;1 attenlpt to screen it <br />,"Ith an attached i;tructur31 screen or ,! parapf't wal!. <br /> <br />..j. .'. \VDLild see:-n that cDnslrJer,1ble e f for t has i.H: en :llad!:: to improve the <br /> levei of qu"lit) of ~hc fcnovallor,. Th!:: aprli..:atinn for Special Use <br /> r>ePl~1 t could include cond;tillns such as: <br />