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<br />9US 'INDUSTRIES <br /> <br />. " <br />, <br /> <br />TE~..:612-636-1 725 <br /> <br />Nov 21.91 <br /> <br />14:09 No.015 P.07 <br /> <br />- - __.0_- <br /> <br />NARRATIVE <br /> <br />21.E <br /> <br />A Plua operates a facility at 1430 We8t County Roed C in <br />Roaeville (..the Site") that has becQm~ t.he sUbject of <br />controversy. Residents have co~pla!ned of noise and vibration, <br />and City haa commenced legal proceedinga, clsiming that the <br />activitlea of A Plua are not permitted under the zoning <br />ordinance. The parties have submitted the dispute to mediat1on, <br />and . number of meetinga with the m~d1atQI end concerned <br />residents have been held in an attempt to work Qut 8 r@noult1on <br />of t.he dispute. <br /> <br />In order to comply with building and ~on1ng codes to the maximum <br />extent snd t.o settle differences of opinion with respect to t.he <br />applicability of certain codes to the operation of A Plus on the <br />site, A Plus agrees to construct end maintain an eight foot high <br />natural cedar fence along the total diatanee of A Plus's aouth <br />property line. This fence will be constructed of rectangular ona <br />inch by aix inch cedar boards with sufficient sized posta and <br />crosB bracing to wit.hstand normal climate conditions. The boards <br />will be between one inch and four 1nchQ8 from the ground end will <br />have ZQro spacing. This fence will be constructed to normal <br />commercial atandards. The section of the fence adjoining the <br />Koehler/Mulder property ahall be twalve feet high, unless Koehlor <br />and Mulder ahall elect to have that portion of the fence be eight <br />feet high. Since the A PluG property adjo1n~ only 8 portioll of <br />the- Schriefel property, the fence will not be conslr'ucted along <br />the Schriefel property line unless, with the cooperation of the <br />adjoining owner, it can be extended the full length of the <br />Schriefel property line. City_ 'will proce~a e permanent variance <br />for this fence, for the setback of the present A PluB building, <br />for outdoor storage (but materiels stored outdoors will not be <br />atacked higher t.han the fence), and for the parking lot all as <br />shown in Exhibit B. If any of these variances are denied, this <br />agraement ahall, at the option of either A Plus or City, become <br />null and void, but i! any loan haa been made by City to A Plus, <br />such loan shall nevertheless be enforceable against A Plus. Ii a <br />future owner reque6t.~ that the fence be lowared from twelve to <br />eight fee~, it will be lowered but a~ the expense of that {utur~ <br />owner. If the fence 1s lowered, A Plua will not be required to <br />reconatruct the ~ence to twelve feet .~ a future time. A Plu8 <br />will maintain the existing vegetative barrier, and the parking <br />lot will not be eX paDded any closer to the south property line. <br /> <br />See attached Mediation Agreement for further detail. <br />