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<br />._ '_".1'_ <br />.. <br /> <br />-- ~~-- - ~------- . <br /> <br />--.-_. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE <br /> <br />TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: <br />Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission <br />of the City of Roseville will meet at Roseville City Hall, <br />2660 Civic Center Drive, on Wednesday, February 1, <br />1989 at 7:30 p,m" for the purpose of considering the <br />following request: <br />Sign Consultants, Inc, request for sign setback <br />variances for signs at the Centre Pointe Business Park <br />, on Cleveland Avenue between County Road 0 and,the, " <br />, County Road C and 135W interchange, ' <br />! The City COLlncil, of the City of Roseville, will meet <br />, on Monday, February 13, 1989 at City HaD at 7:30 p,m" <br />to consider this request. <br />, LEGAl DESCRIPTION: <br />I That part of the Northeas1 Quarter of Section 5, <br />Township 29,Renge 23, Ramsey County, Minnesota, <br />, which lies eas1erty 01 the easterly line .of Interstate. <br />Highway No, 35W, , <br />ThaI part of the Sootheas1 Quarter (SE 11.) of Sec, <br />tlon fIVe (5), Township twenty-nine (29), Range Twenty. <br />three (23), which lies one hundred (100) feet Easterly <br />of the following describeclline: <br />Beginning at a point on the South line of said See- <br />, tion five (5), distant foor hundred eighty and two tenths <br />(480,2) feet West of the Southeast corner thereof; <br />thence run Northwesterly et an engle of seventy-six <br />degrees twenty-eight minutes (76 degrees 28') w~h said <br />South section line for nine hundred eighty-three and <br />eighty-five hundredths (983,85) feet; thence deflect to <br />the right at a zero degree forty-five minutes (0 degrees <br />45') ,curve (della angle twelve degrees fifty-i>ne minutes ' <br />fihy-eight seconds) (12 degrees 51' 58") for one thou- I <br />sand seven hundred fifteen and forty-eight hundredths ; <br />(1715.48) feet and there tenninaling which lies Norther- , <br />Iy of tjle following described line: <br />Beginning at a point on the East line of said Section , <br />five (5), distant one thousand seven hundred sixty.five <br />(1765) feet North of the Southeast corner thereof; <br />I thence run Westerly at right angles with said East sec- <br />tion line for three hundred forty'five (345) feet; thence <br />I deflect to the left at an angle of thirty degrees (30 <br />degrees) for five hundred (500) feet and there ter- <br />minating, Except Ihe East Forty (E 40) feet thereof taken , <br />for Cleveland Avenue; all according to the U,S, Govern- <br />, ment Survey thereof and situate In Ramsey County, <br />, State of Minnesota, <br /> <br />Steve North <br />Acting City Manager <br />(Roseville Review: Jan, 17, 1989) <br />,_ _._ ._.._ u~. _ _ .. ~._ _ . <br />